honestly, I had to speak to n-h about this just this week. I was distressed about a number of things, not least the attack on our capital city, and right away he was 'on my case', telling me I'm getting sick when truly I was just sad.
It's a fine line being bipolar and trusting to others to help with feedback or being taken advantage of or taken over.
I have a golden rule now since I have my illnesss medicated and I feel in charge- no one is allowed on board if they even slightly let me down, ie try to take advantage or try to diminuish me in any way.
As far as I'm concerned this is my wholeness, and if people can't accept me as I am they ( not me ) need to find another charity case.
I know this sounds cynical, and it is, but it's my way forward and surely anyone who cares about me outside of their own ego will be supportive?
I can't imagine at all finding another relationship right now, so part of my coming to terms with this is accepting a period of time on my own; of course I have my beautiful puppy, and my family ( part-time ).
But most of all trying to discover myself and the things which motivate and please me.