Author Topic: Technical Tip: How to not get timed out while posting...  (Read 3265 times)


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Technical Tip: How to not get timed out while posting...
« on: November 24, 2003, 07:34:39 PM »
Some folks have expressed frustration with getting timed out/unknowingly logged out although they logged in.  I have had that problem too.  Posts inadvertently end up as being from "guest" and then I can't edit etc.  I think I found a solution....

I have been using the preview function (button next to submit) and I didn't get timed out although I was writing one of my ridiculously long posts.   :oops:  It may require previewing a certain number of times but I didn't feel I had previewed often during the hour plus i spent writing.  Still no time out/invisible log out.

The auto loggin option may help too if you aren't concerned with privacy - others getting auto logged in when using the same computer.


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Technical Tip: How to not get timed out while posting...
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2003, 07:52:09 PM »

Thank you for informing us of your long posts deary.  But you know what, you are here to talk about your feelings, your fears, your insecurities, etc., and you are in a safe place to do so.  With all of that said, I want you to know that I feel you should not have to apologise for what you have to say or how long it takes to state it.

I am not a judgmental person thank goodness.  The thought of having to judge someone by what they say or the length of their statement, just really does not appeal to me.  You say what ever you want to say.  If it takes 10 hrs to say it, then by golly I will grab a coke and sit my fanny down and I will read it.  If anyone choses to not read through your post, well thats their choice as well as their right.  But I promise you that I have come to realize that in my life there have been many friends who have come and gone.  The friends that remained through thick and thin were the ones who would have weathered out my long posts.  They would have done it, might not have liked it, but they never judged me for them, they never counted my words, they never twisted my words.  They just sat patiently and read each and every one of them just to give their friend the needed love and support that she so needed at the moment.  

I do not send posts to my friends in person.  I just hunt them down and stalk them until I can pin one down.  Just kidding, well sorta, lol.  I am trying to say I am reading and I am here no matter the length of your posts.  You do not need to worry about how long your posts are.  Just know that there is atleast one person there to the end of them.  If I do not comment, I aint got nuttin worthy of tellin ya.  I do not profess to be an expert on N.  But I do know how to be a great listener.  

You are a wonderful person, don't let yourself believe otherwise.
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!



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Technical Tip: How to not get timed out while posting...
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2003, 01:30:10 PM »
BRAVO, Jaded!  I feel the same.  If someone has something to say, I don't care how long it is, they still need to say it.

However...since this started out about login/logout problems, I still can't get mine to work. Have to sign in twice to get in, and still get timed out, even using preview button.  Must be my dumb computer!



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Technical Tip: How to not get timed out while posting...
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2003, 01:52:19 PM »
Jeepers Jaded,

A little warning buzzer went off in my head when I apologized and I just flipped some invisible switch and kept doin it anyway.  :shock:

Thank you for the reminder.  

Warning when confronted with a long post:  plant your fanny and pour a coke.  Taken from the "Stamina can be Fun" handbook.   :D  You crack me up.  

I was flying around in circles, wavering in the waves...thanks for putting a light on the shore.  (A reference inspired here by seekers excellent metaphor...about being one of those persons who guide the plane onto an aircraft carrier ...or at least lights a light and waves their arms around (giving support).

Outta the fog of shame she sails to post again!  (Bazookas a blazing)
(this post has been edited...I deleted a self depricating joke from within these very parenthesis.  :D )

thanks Jaded911 I'm glad to know you are out there..out here.
