Oh, Mia, how upsetting! Your children are safe with you now, so breathe.
Contacting your attorney was the right thing to do. Don't take this on alone.
Not long ago, with the help of my attorney, I wrote a letter to my ex spelling out that I knew he was drinking and driving with the kids in the car and he needed to stop. It is the ONE thing he has NEVER responded to at all, usually any contact is an invitation to fight in his mind. I guess what could he say to defend it? Nothing.
I don't believe he has done it again, but who knows? He has been warned and if he does it again there will be serious ramifications. Honestly, my attorney told me the "possibility" of something bad happening is not enough to prevent him from being with the kids. And drinking does not always make someone incapacitated, so she said it's impossible to get him to agree to never have one drink when with them.
Very aggravating, as all it would take is ONE time, really, to have horrible consequences. But the notification was important. I think it will be for you as well.
I think your situation would have more teeth in it because they are so young.....and with a lake and your son's sleepwalking etc.....I shudder to think!!! Let your attorney draft a letter putting him on notice!!!
What a selfish moron!!! A good parent would NEVER have done that. Never. I am angry and upset for you!!!!
Don't let it over take you. You have done the right thing. Your children are now safe. You will make sure they continue to be. You are a power NOT to be messed with (mother bear!!).
Let me know what your attorney says.