Hello everyone,
Does anyone out there have experience with this? As I child of an N mother, I now realise just how voiceless I am. And funny enough, I find now, that I am with a partner who really knows how to talk. He has an opinion on everything and really 'takes up space' in a room. When it's just the 2 of us at home, quite often, he is perfectly happy to pause the movie we're watching and go on a 5 min rant about his opinion on whatever it is we've just seen--not really looking for any response.
I've only just begun to find my voice, and access my own thoughts and emotions, so I would really like to be allowed to let them to come out a bit more. I understand that my thoughts can sometimes be a bit "basic" or "redundant" because just the act of accessing my own opinion and actually verbalising it is such a big deal. I haven't really gotten to the point of reaching deeper.
But my partner, rather than encouraging when I say *anything*, instead glosses over what I've said if he deems it redundant or not contributory, and continues on with his (many) points. He's quite intelligent and perceptive, but the rants and monologues have been to frustrate me because even when I confront him about it, he just says that I saying things for the sake of saying things, rather than actually having something to say.
What do you think?