The problem for me is that my family are all dead (or seem so because there is no contact) and so I have to form the fantasy from memories that seem far away and even unreal sometimes.
I do remember something that was a clue as to how one person from the outside world saw our family, which happened one time.
I was trimming the hedge that ran along the front and side of my parents home (which was a corner house and I was on the outside of the hedge, on the side walk, near the back of the property) and suddenly a boy about my age (maybe 12?? 13??) flew threw the hedge (so he must have run across the lawn, cutting the corner, rather than walking around the outside of the hedge on the sidewalk). He startled me, as he landed about 4 feet away from me.
I had put the hedge trimmer down, had raked the trimmings, put the rake down and was about to start loading the trimmings into a basket, that was sitting on the lawn, so I supposed, he didn't notice and just thought I was walking along the side walk toward him, when he said:
"You should see the crazy people who live in that house!!"
Me: "Really? What do you mean?"
Boy: "Oh.....they're all batty. Especially the father! He's a real cook!!"
Me: "Is that so? How do you know that?"
Boy: "Oh..... I see him all the time and he's really a looney. His garage is full of rocks, you know, and he tries to get people to look at them, so he can talk and talk. And he drives a beat up old car and drinks whiskey, from a flask. Yells and swears a lot!! And the should see him! He's a nutty as a fruit cake!"
Me: "Oh.....tell me more?"
Boy: "Well.......he's in his 20's and he rides and old bike and smokes a pipe and wears weird hats, has a gotee and brings his getto blaster with him, playing blues and jazz and strange music like that, while he rides around. Doesn't work. Always going to the pool hall. He's crazy alright!"
Me: "Oh really?"
Boy: "Ya. Where do you live? Around here? Have you seen them?"
Me: Embarassed

"Oh....not too far from here. I better go".
So I guess...... I must have been fairly invisible back least to that boy....but the "crazy people who live in that house" weren't.
That was the strangest thing. Talking to that boy and pretending not to know about that house or who lived in it. I never saw him again and was worried, after that, that I might.
I think IIIIIIIII had the fantasy that they were able to hide the craziness behind closed doors until that day. I think that boy helped me realize that other people could see a bit of it. So I guess, he did me a favour. Made me feel kind a very odd way.
Those crazy people who lived in that house.

And he also made me feel connected.

I was one of them.

One of those crazy people who lived in that house.


Or was I crazy? He made me think about that. I think it was a good thing maybe. I decided I wasn't crazy after thinking about it awhile.
Sorry for the highjack. This just came to my mind when I read this thread. All the weird feelings I had when he was describing his view.