Hi Plucky,
I don't believe we have met - my name is chutzbagirl. You started posting as I began taking a break.

I don't have many friends that live near me either at this point in my life. I am also jobless and churchless right now as well. July is the barest month in my calendar I have ever seen.
I had to detatch from N Mom, bro and other extended family members 1 1/2 years ago. I was in so much pain that my friends from normally dysfuctional families backed away. I really didn't care about the latest sales, girl's night out, or any other seemingly superficial activities. My H and I were going through some tough but healing changes as well.
Now, my heart and mind are more at peace. I coped with my childhood by learning to be busy, perform, achieve, work myself to death. This month feels very restful to me in an uncomfortable sort of way. I sense I'm coming to a place where I will not define myself by the insanity of my past or carry the shame of my M's behavior. Then I can just be me. I am beginning to have the interior energy to enjoy conversations and get to know new people. It feels weird to not be in intense grief. Last school year I felt as if I was shrouded (sp) by grief when I picked the kids up from school. Didn't want to do small talk with the other Moms.
Healing seems to come slowly for me. I am involved in Al Anon and that has helped immensely - as well as my counseling. I have two very special friends on this board.
I hope you are able to find some safe people in the real world as well as on this board. N's do more damage than we give them credit for.
Take care and nice to meet ya!