Hello. I have been a lurker here for a year or more and have found some valuable information here (in addition to work with my own personal counselor) to help me with my personal journey of recovery (from incest as a child and physical abuse in my first marriage). I am well on my way in the recovery process and applaud any and all courageous souls who undertake the recovery process and wish you all well.
I have a close friend who is suffering from PTSD related to trauma he suffered from surgeries/medical care gone wrong in the past. He has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is in need of treatment from the medical community, but is so afraid of the process involved in dealing with the medical community, that he is in dire need of PTSD counseling to get him through the cancer treatment.
If any of you know of or have had a good experience with a PTSD specialist in the Seattle, Washington, area, please reply to this. My friend needs to make important life-altering decisions in the near future, and his PTSD issues need to be addressed, at least in some part, before he can make the best decisions regarding his treatment.
Please reply if you can help. Thank you.