I had a visit from a dear friend of mine. She told me she had something special for me and she wanted this to be the beginning of the end of the person that I had become because of the N relationship. She said she missed my self confidence, my smile, my ability to plow myself out of any situation, but most of all she missed having me emotionally present. She stated that at times I appear numb....etc.
Damn, I love that girl....it made me do alot of thinking. Anywho.....she got me some diamond earrings and a shirt that reads "Let me just drop everything and tend to
YOUR needs." How funny is that? It says it all doesn't it?
She also researched and gave me some awesome information. I found this one especially helpful. I just can't grasp how people intentially put their children in harms way. It is almost like they sentence their children to a life of hell because they can't put forth the effort to work on their demons. Thus the cycle continues......generation after generation....grrrr!