I'm sorry for all that is going on now. I'm sorry, but what is ME (I'm sure you've explained before, but my memory isn't what it used to be

And I keep having the thought come into my mind that might it be me, looking to blame others and they are OK but I am not?
I get this. As the light goes on to the craziness we have lived with throughout most of our lives, we do begin to wonder how we could have been surrounded by it and not seen it. Then we start to think that there couldn't be that many crazy people in one person's life and it must be us rather than them. But when I examine myself and my values, morality, character, empathy for others. . . I know it was them.
Well I am coming out of my fog because I have put myself into therapy.
Great!! This is the best thing you could do right now. You need a professional to look at the situation from the outside and help you get past the blaming of yourself and healing all those deep internal injuries.
Now I have realised what my son is doing, I am starting to have boudaries and will not so easily part with my money when he gets himself into scrapes.
Also great. Hopefully your therapist can help you get better with this. Once we have taken responsibility for a transgression, sincerely apologized for it and made restitution if necessary, it should be forgiven. Your children will continue to be very miserable people if they do not move past this stuff, forgive you and find a way to have a happy life rather than blaming you for their misery. They obviously need therapy too.
It does not take much for me to doubt and blame myself.
I get this too. It comes with the territory of recovering from all the trauma from the nh's--discovery of the lies, deceit, hiding who they are, realizing they never really loved us--and on and on it goes. I don't trust my ability to make decisions these days, easily get stuck on things about which I am not knowledgeable or comfortable, worry constantly about how the kids will be affected, worry about my future, and lack the energy to make necessary changes. Things are starting to get better for me, and as my attitude improves, my energy increases, decision-making gets easier and my future looks more positive. Its amazing the spiraling affect these varying moods can have.
I hope you can start to feel better physically so you can get stronger emotionally. Continued blessings as you work through the issues with your children, but I hope you will spend more time concentrating on you right now. Continuing to worry about how they relate to you now is probably only going to keep all of you in the unhealthy relationship you now share. The best thing you can do is to become a positive role model for them with the hope that they will follow your lead and get some help. Become a strong, healthy parent who is capable and unwilling to be a doormat. But in the end you must become healthy for your own sake and they will make their own decisions.