Author Topic: What Has Helped Quell The Internal N Parent?  (Read 2703 times)

Sallying Forth

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What Has Helped Quell The Internal N Parent?
« on: July 14, 2005, 11:51:51 PM »
After beginning to read Trapped in the Mirror I realize I have this strong internal Nparent. What has helped others here quell that unwanted voice within?

Some of the most disturbing thoughts to me are about my body. My Nmother would continually critique my body. Every time I'd see her as an adult she do this thing with her eyes. I felt like I was on trial. There was no affection but a critical eye looking over every inch to lay her judgment in the end. As a child it was the same but more into what I put in my mouth. "You know that will make you fat. You'll gain weight. You're eating too much. You're eating too little. You're eating too slow." She was forever adjusting my clothes so my bottom was covered. Telling me to stand up straight, don't slouch.

Every conversation with both Nparents is the same too. "Have you lost any weight? Are you taking care of yourself? What are you eating?" :x It's always an endless barrage of questions with a subtext of put downs.

I now unconsciously do these things to myself. :oops: :roll: :o

I never had a weight problem until I was an adult. Since November 2004 I decided to make lifestyle changes. That's when I began to deal with the many different issues about my weight. It's been a very interesting journey and now I'd like to ditch the B**** inside of me. I'm tired of hearing this broken record! :x
The truth is in me.[/color]

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Re: What Has Helped Quell The Internal N Parent?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 07:43:53 AM »
ANy of us who had a dysfunctional upbringing with a overly critical parent have these negative tapes in our head.  Mine is about my looks sometimes, but more often about the state of my house, car, job, fill in the blank. What has helped me is to replace the negative tapes with positive affirmations.  Like:  I am a beautiful, sensual woman, comfortable in my own skin, as I move gracefully throughout my day.

Something to that effect.  If you repeat the positive enough, it replaces the negative and you become what is your affirmation.

Also have found it helpful to write down yearly goals. They are usually fairly general and might include something like:
I will focus on my environment and make it comfortable, pleasing to my eye and cheeful.

Hope you get the idea.  It really helps me.


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Re: What Has Helped Quell The Internal N Parent?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 09:44:26 AM »
Things that have helped me overall are therapy and meditation.  But I also struggle with feeling extremely self-critical.  My mother started commenting about my eating/weight/body when I was seven years old.  It degenerated into enforced diets and ridicule.  I was anorexic by the time I started college. I was overweight by the end of it (which I figure is way better than dead).  Nothing but time and therapy have helped me identify the messages that were imposed on me, but that doesn't always help with the day-to-day battle. I'm pretty comfortable with myself now, and take much better care of my health than I used to, but self-acceptance has yet to come easily for me.

I've found having a mantra (or affermation) helps me identify that the inner nmother is the one talking and not the inner me.  My mantra is "I will not engage."  I figure, you don't enter into a logical discussion with a screaming 2 year old, and you certainly don't accept the "logic" view of an unhappy, destructive, narcissistic person. There's no point in arguing with either of those people, so you just don't engage in the conversation at all.  When I recognize that voice, I just tell it, "I will not engage", take a couple deep breaths, and also try and become aware of my surroundings. Notice that birds are singing, or study the texture of the floor.  Anything that slows down the inner yammering and brings me back to the present moment.  It helps.



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Re: What Has Helped Quell The Internal N Parent?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2005, 10:35:18 AM »
At some point I had a similar realization - that I was hearing a disapproving maternal voice all day long, criticizing every single decision I made and shaming me for basically every f****g thing I did, no matter how trivial. I decided to adopt this mantra: "I am in charge now. I don't live with my parents anymore. I make ALL the decisions now. This is my house now. I am the adult and I decide everything." It hasn't eliminated that voice but it sure minimized it.


Sallying Forth

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Re: What Has Helped Quell The Internal N Parent?
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2005, 05:56:54 AM »
I decided to adopt this mantra: "I am in charge now. I don't live with my parents anymore. I make ALL the decisions now. This is my house now. I am the adult and I decide everything." It hasn't eliminated that voice but it sure minimized it.

Wow bunny I love that one. I'm going to adopt that along with some other suggestions.

Like bliz said:
I am a beautiful, sensual woman, comfortable in my own skin, as I move gracefully throughout my day.

There was a statement someone gave me a long time ago which I decided I'm going to print off and paste all over my home.
    I am an open, emotional and sensuous woman.
I think it's time to fully own this.

I'm already doing the nutrition and exercise program to renew and change body from the inside out. Now it is time for my mind to be renewed and changed.

Thanks everyone for your suggesions! :D
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D