Oh boy can I relate to this comment:
Quote: When an N is faced with a problem their first reaction is to blame someone else and demand to be rescued.
You bet. I can think of countless examples from 20 years of being with my NXH. Here is one -
Used to live on an 80-acre farm, the majority of which for most of 8 or so years became overgrown field and pasture for NXH's hunting pleasure. NXH decided one day to burn some garden refuse... in the field. I pointed out that it was a windy day and the field quite dry and that NXH ought to recognize (especially being trained as a FIREMAN) that burning in a dry field on a windy day would not be a particularly safe thing to do. (Let alone intelligent) I hoped he'd had the sense to go on to do something else. Nope.
Sure enough, half an hour or so later, there is smoke coming from the field and after a bit I hear angry shouting. Shortly thereafter I find the angry shouting is being directed at me, ordering me to go to the house and get my son (then age 12 or so?) to help put out the field fire NXH had started by choosing to burn trash in a dry field on a windy day.
Now frankly, I was not interested in sending my son out to clean up his dad's messes, especially as it occurrs to me that sending a 12 year old to fight a field fire is tantamount to child abuse. I did however, call the fire department out.
My thanks for doing this was to get screamed at for not sending my son out right away and taking so long to call the fire department. Never mind that I explained that it took so long as I did not at first realize what was going on and had not heard him yelling for quite some time. As far as NXH accepting responsibility for his actions, NADA. It was a total accident that the fire got out of control, lol. Apparently even FIRE should know to always obey an N!
Frankly I was so angry with XNH for doing such a stupid thing I would much preferred to let him deal with the natural consequences of his actions ON HIS OWN without my intervention. I only caved as I feared the fire could spread to the neighbors.
