My father had very blue eyes, my mother very brown. 2 of us had blue, 1 had brown, 5 had hazel, and mine hazel turning brilliant green at times. My x had one blue eye, one green eye-my children, one has very brown, the other hazel. My son's very brown had to be because I had a very brown gene within me that I inhereited from my mother and passed on.
Eyes are the most complicated gene according to all the web sites I've researched. If it wasn't for a multitude of factors (low resting heart rate, body build, bent pinky, earlobes, hair color and type, eyes, tongue-tie, left-handedness, freckles) I would have never suspected a different father.
You have two genes for every trait. You get one from your mother and one from your father. Certain genes are dominant, and you only need one of the pair to give you its trait. If you don’t have a dominant gene, then you are recessive for that trait.On being a lefty. Both my parents were right handed. However, my mother said she was a lefty and they used to make you be a right handed person years ago. I have 2 left handed siblings, 6 right handed, and I am both-no one forced me. My x was left handed. Our children are 1 right, 1 left, the lefty, like me, also does things with the other hand-like I do, batting, golfing. And, by the way, he does do that left hand eating thing from the top of the bowl as you, IT, explained.
I got to watch two lefties in a restaurant yesterday eat exactly the way I eat with my right hand. However I noticed that not one person at the way I do with my right hand. That was a confirmation for me even though I always knew I ate different by watching my brothers, mother and father eat.
I read about being a lefty or a righty on line. It was actual research where they discovered you are born ambidextrous and then at some point begin to favor one hand over the other.
I've always had a problem with analog clocks and telling time on them. I was very glad when I could purchase a digital clock and even more happy when they were based on military time.
In my observation, and from what I have read, left handed people are more creative. My left handed son is a natural actor, musician, artist. Have any of you noticed how many actors are left handed? IT, I can see where your natural ability in design comes to play if you are to be a lefty. I, too, have a natural ability in design-but being right handed also, well maybe I have the upper hand in all things
Someone mentioned learning disabilities in lefties, my son did struggle in school, and I had difficulty comprehending in reading. I think it was because our "creative" minds were always somwhere else.
However, we have very high IQs-which is possibly genetic too??
I am creative: write, draw, play an instrument, write music, act and design. I didn't do well in school unless it was writing, drawing, designing or playing music. I had a difficult time with reading. However I now love to read. I haven't been able to excell in all areas the way I would have liked to and might still do some of those things. Overall though I like designing, writing, drawing, and playing music, in that order.
Remember, August 13th is International Lefthanders Day!