Did you ever have the experience of typing a letter with a few keys missing on a keyboard? I guess for me, it helps to think that my thoughts are significant and valuable, no matter how insignificant they appear to be.
I did have this very thing happen with the A...It was of course a well used letter. I understand your point.
I thought what you wrote was poetic and beautiful
Well, if you liked my poetic writings and it reminded you of a happy book, thats cool.............
this book "the giving tree" is it like a picture book how a boy grows old like the tree and uses the tree stump to sit and rest and everyone is happy. (I like that story )
I may have been confused about what the poster was looking for with the blind person and all.
I guess I was poetic, when poetic was not the place......Doesn't matter, I think I was having an off-day, I'm glad I wrote it, I guess I was thinking WHY was I being poetic??????????
As a kid I liked to write poetic things, I'm not sure but as a kid it may be something most girls like to do then they stop when they get older.