I never thought before that overcontrol was a form of neglect; that is an interesting concept. My nd neighbour is very controlling of her son, daughter and h. The son is healthy and chubby - perhaps bordering on overweight, and she takes delight in telling everyone how well he eats - so of course he does as he is told.
The daughter on the other hand, is - to my mind - underweight. She weighs less than her brother, who is 5 years younger. Worst of all, she thinks she is fat, and she controls her food intake. She is often here and I offer the normal drinks and cakes or whatever. I sometimes put something in the bin later, and very often find that she has thrown half or more away.

Her mother tells everyone that this girl does not eat enough, and at the same time delights in the 'look at my healthy big boy next to his waif like sister' routine.
I have many times witnessed the two children next door eating. Son is served more, and eats wolfishly. Daughter picks at hers and gives up half way. Son then takes from sister's plate, and finishes it off. Mother tells daughter off for not eating enough, and nags for several miinutes without interruption, and meanwhile allows son to eat whatever is left.

Daughter is constantly nagged to drink more. Son is constantly allowed to snack, and if told 'no' persists time and again to ask until his mother gives in, which she always does.
This neighbour is big and bulky herself (not huge, but not a waif) and she claims that her build at 12 was the same as her daughter. Sorry, but I can't see that this is possible. She is tall and big boned; big hands and feet (and dark hair). D is small and slim and blond, and has the build of her maternal grandmother, who is also small and slim and blond.
(Another 'friend' some years ago showed me that she could join her 2 hands round the waist of her daughter, who was about 4 or 5, and like a beanpole. She also went on and on about how skinny this daughter was, and how she used to be the same. She also had two boys who were more normal sized, and this very very skinny girl. At the time this woman was one of the largest people I knew.

It amazes me how people make up these fantasies about their families and expect us to buy into them, when we can see for ourselves that it is nonsense.