Dogbit wrote:
Is it possible to display narcissistic tendencies while in your profession and be non-narcissistic with your loved ones?
this is something I was just wondering too! > becuase last night there was a news show about the BTK serial killer.... now that was a *very* scary man. dont know if anyone saw that. he was like, when n's go bad... reeeeally reeeeeeally bad....... he was definitely narcissistic and the specialists discussing him all said that. (among other things)
now, he was N in his job, as a 'corrections officer'....... telling people what to do in a petty way.... people he worked with described him as overbearing and difficult..... he was n when he was tying people up and murdering them becuase their crying 'annoyed him'. however he was also married for 30 something years and had two totally normal well adjusted children, one in the navy and an eagle scout, one a golf champ....... he was a boyscout leader and he was active in his church.
so in that case..... of a really really extreme narcissist...... he compartmentalised, so that his family was the only people who DIDNT see his n'ness.
now in my case, and in other families here as described, everyone at work love the n and thinks they are a saint, and then as soon as they get home, it all gets dumped on the family.
that is how it was in my family. my father compartmentalised so his family was the only ones who 'suffered' or even saw his bad side...... so maybe, it is a matter of degree. and how evil your bad side really is. and also, what you need from people. BTK needed the support of his family as a base to go out and be a serial killer which was his true goal. so it was probly all an act to get what he wanted. in most of our cases, our n's true goal is to have the power in their job, and so they are nice to the people at the job (relatively), and use their family as their n outlet.
but this was something i was just wondering about too. the specialist on the show called it 'compartmentilisation'. (sp)