alcoholic and a speed abuser. A chronic liar about things big and small. A belittling smirker, who brings that faint and infuriating inner arrogance to every encounter. Never able to admit he is wrong. A terrible listener
I agree with the other posters and ALL they have written. My H has a mental evaluation as self-absorbed Narrssisstic, It's a fact the label sticks to him like a glove.
I share this so others that know the symptoms I know them to be true with an N.
My mother had some kind of PD, from her I learned to second guess my intuition, feel everything I did was wrong so that when my RED FLAGS went up, I believed they must be wrong. I have no relationship with her for over 27 years. I have been emotionaly abandond by her, and thankful her poison is not in my life.
Then I met my Husband 27 yrs ago, he had major back surgury 1 year after we got married and used his health, his injury, his pain, his legal drug addictions to emotionaly abuse, lie, belittle, never say he's sorry, blame, terrible listener. But he was in pain ..............he had a short fuse, excuses all the time........
I kept forgiving, letting it go, didn't want to give up! Now we are getting divorced.
My H is like an onion he has many layers, it's been said they are hardwired this way.
Each layer STINKS like an onion, the stink gets worse with age.
Once you can agree that there is a problem understand the onion is not an apple you can close your eyes, plug your nose take a bite believe with all your heart it's an APPLE.
One day you will smell the stink, remove it from your life maybe never smell it again or understand you must plug your nose when you are near.
Tell yourself the stink does not belong to you, and tolerate as much as you can then walk away so you can once again breath.
I do believe the N gets worse with age, if my H were to read about an N, know it would be years of therapy, he would feel hopeless too. I feel hopeless, that he will ever change.
I will tell him if I see his behavior as being N so maybe he will be aware, of course it will be my fault, nothing will be corrected on his part.
I know that when he is being extra nice that he wants to SET me UP for some pain, the lie is coming or he wants to make sure if I want something, he would want to take it away.
If this is the way he will be, how do you deal with them the rest of your life. Be aware stay away don't fall in the trap, move on with your life the best you can.
He has his OWN life not able to share but must TAKE for what he believes is his, never yours.
Givers and Takers........you give he will take, will not matter how it affects your life.
We have a 12 yr old girl looking for her Dad to be well someday, how hopeless the N will become.
How sad and painful this is, all I can do for her is let her know she is not the one with the problem
I want her to know when the RED Flags go up, that her intuition is correct to run fast
Keep positive people around her for good advice to keep a stong back bone not to have apporval from people that are full of ILL will for her.
Its not my first choice but in constant battle to keep from being abused is no fun either.
Unplug your nose open your eyes the onion is the big surprize...............OR