I had accepted it as truth. And I would trot out these "horrible" events to her as proof. She would just wave her hands and say "everyone does that" or "that's what I would have done in the same situation, so what?"
I will keep this in my mind if I have trouble shaking off the guilt. Thanks YOU are so wise.
I have learned so much about my own feelings, I do think sometimes my guilt runs deeper than some.
How could you think they would have done the same thing, when you believe THEY would have never said or done or reacted the same way.
I think this is how I was broght up feeling I was different, I looked at things different than my N-mother and then having such deep feelings to "DO the Right THING " doing the N-thing would never work for me.
And for that I pay the price to stand up to what I believe I need to do. I am becoming stronger in this area everday being away from my N-H.
I love to say NO, Im not seeking others approval like I used to, they don't like my decision, the one that works for me then I guess thats my MISTAKE. I can live with MY decision better now, Im feeling stonger
Not to second guess myself and Stand-by MYSELF, giving me the mental support to be confident even if its a bad idea I will rethink it and try again without the shame for my mistake.
everone does "that's what I would have done in the same situation, so what?" [/b]
As I move out of my Isolation from being married to my N, I will find people like I have found on this board that just say "SO WHAT"
The N's of this world are shame-based, but disguise it from themselves and others with a thick veneer of shamelessness. They act as if they are perfect, never admitting they make mistakes, while constantly finding fault with their children, thereby engendering shame in us.
I can see how this is so true, you put in perfect perspective. Putting the shame on others is just YUK!
Their SHAME is not worth the heartache it causes for everyone involved.
Were watching a favorite movie MATILDA, These parents are the biggest Ns ......
. got to go ......OR