mia said:
I did tell the kids that there is no way that Dad can know what they are thinking. My daughter understands this but my son is younger and may take Dad's word for it. From what my daughter describes, my son is very guarded around X N and won't talk. I tell them to ignore Dad when he says such things b/c they are completely silly.
thats good mia.... its really more than just silly though, to me... not trying to be dramatic here but its like on the level of 'safe touch' and who owns your body......... its really important that kids understand that only they control their thoughts............ seriously, it can induce really bad phobias to think people can read your thoughts, its nothing to mess with.
im only saying this beucase i was much older, a teenager, and i still had that phobia induced from the mental hospital, they watched us 24/7 with cameras, bugged the rooms with intercoms - strip searched us etc, to where we didnt feel we owned our thoughts, and even though i was way older than a little kid, it induced a phobia in me that other people could get inside my head, that was very hard to shake and very unnerving.
i say this from experience. it took a number of years before i felt 'safe' again to where i really thought that i could think something safely, without other people doing something to me becuase of it. its really not fun. it may seem completely silly but in a situation of stress, it could be taken more seriously than it seems by little kids.
i think its important for kids to know they control their thoughts as much as they control their bodies, for safety... that being said, yes its silly. just the effects of it, are not silly.
anyhow take care