Author Topic: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning  (Read 2155 times)


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sigh just puttin it out there right now...more thoughts later....


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Re: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 02:54:58 PM »
well ok better get this point in on topic quick yep this orginal poster of this topic...

how it is similar and different from other presumpitous use of words and meanings...
say such when it is different can reveal differerent disorders and issues
and how there might always be in a way a kind of limitation of language
that it cannot function without a certain amount of presumption
that tho has a postive spin and does not nurture dysfunction
but serves good function :)


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Re: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 02:58:31 PM »
well ok better get this point in on topic quick yep this orginal poster of this topic...

how it is similar and different from other presumpitous use of words and meanings...
say such when it is different can reveal differerent disorders and issues
and how there might always be in a way a kind of limitation of language
that it cannot function without a certain amount of presumption
that tho has a postive spin and does not nurture dysfunction
but serves good function :)
...THAT IS .....


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Re: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 03:01:13 PM »
ah lets see merriam on presumptUous :)
Main Entry: pre·sump·tu·ous
Pronunciation: pri-'z&m(p)-ch&-w&s, -ch&s, -sh&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French presumptueux, from Late Latin praesumptuosus, irregular from praesumptio
: overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties

ah due bounds i think i have spoken in a sense of such issues before...


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Re: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2005, 03:03:24 PM »
say such as they tried to make out that it was presumptuous
when invited to eat at one point
not to wash his hands in the prescribed way...

or that he was being presumptuous by healing on the sabbath


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Re: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2005, 03:10:54 PM »
but it might be of some note
that having presumptions does not necessarily
fit one into the definition of being presumptuous..
observer earlier post of definition of presumptuous
and the below defintion of persumption
Main Entry: pre·sump·tion
Pronunciation: pri-'z&m(p)-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English presumpcioun, from Old French presumption, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin praesumption-, praesumptio presumptuous attitude, from Latin, assumption, from praesumere
1 : presumptuous attitude or conduct : AUDACITY
2 a : an attitude or belief dictated by probability : ASSUMPTION b : the ground, reason, or evidence lending probability to a belief
3 : a legal inference as to the existence or truth of a fact not certainly known that is drawn from the known or proved existence of some other fact


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Re: what is similar and different n's presumptious use of words and meaning
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2005, 03:22:40 PM »
i accidently put as one might see
what was meant for here at the wrong topic ... 
Re: breaches....of conduct; shame; guilt in context of narcissism
« Reply #33 on: Today at 03:20:28 PM »   

feel free to connect disconnect a redubbed topic...
on the order of
when presumptions become presumptious as related to narcissism
and other matters of semantic purpose