Just wanted to show that his name was important to me, because I care.
I know, I know you were just being caring. Thank you for trying to find a way to nurture me.
Ariel I am so sorry! That sounds even worse, to expect to come home to your pal and he is gone, and the reasons for it were a lie!
I know now (and pretty much did then also) that it was because my mom valued her stuff over other people and feelings and certainly animals any day. Also, it was my stepdad who abetted me in getting the dog. She probably needed to undo his 'victory'.
And, she did not need the 'competition' for my attention! Yet, knowing all that....I still feel guilty about the stupid cushion! I still feel on some buried level that she was right and my feelings were not worth considering. You asre saying she is really sick...and if it happened to someone else I might understand that. But since it was me....this makes no sense, but I am discovering my feelings. Maybe I am not ready to think of my mom as 'really sick'. Although I have had plenty of ammunition. Hmmm, I used the word ammunition - would that be killing her?
a rambling