Well, there was more to the never ending saga of crazymaking when I arrived home yesterday. First of all, her car was parked across the street (she has the neighbors convinced she is the victim here). When I go to the mailbox there is a letter from her lawyer to mine saying she will only come get her stuff if I am not there plus she wants her three hours during the week with me also not there to inventory. Then some BS about how she was all prepared with truck and crew on July 23rd which was the court ordered date; hell, none of us got the court order until July 26th her included so unless she reads minds...
So I call my laywer and he's busy. Then I pace around the kitchen table in circles for an hour trying to calm down. Everyone says to set some boundaries but when your dealing with lawyers who seem much more happy with each other than with you the client, every time you stand up they push you back down.
But yeah, why is she always calling the shots?
Talk to my friendly neighbor last night and find out S. called her down and chatted her up. Said I was the one preventing her from getting her things, I keep on postponing it. Said I was really, really sick and she hoped I was getting some help. Not sure that S. wasn't in the house yesterday since I got a hang up call at work (I work an hour away) and the neighbor told me that was about when her car appeared.
Today I finally talk to my lawyer and he says to forget about the letter he already yelled at her lawyer about it. I ask, how am I supposed to know that? Oh, I guess I should have let you know... So I fire back an email letting him know I'm getting totally different advice here: the therapist says to stand up and establish boundaries, the lawyer seems to think everything will be OK if we all just show goodwill. When was the last time I saw goodwill from her? When she wanted something from me before we separated. When will be the next time I see it? Never.
I'm jut thankful there are no children involved.