I know that one of my jobs as a kid was to take care of my mother and her feelings. One of my counselors described me as "the family therapist." I was constantly told to put my needs aside and not to be selfish. I was trained to be a good listener, to be compassionate and empathetic. I used to be so co-dependent that I was afraid to express any needs that I might have...in fact, I was afraid to even acknowledge that I might have any needs at all. I was also the family scapegoat. My mother was very N and was very competitive with me, putting me down constantly. My father was a depressed and abusive alcoholic who could be very charming when he felt like it.
Both of my parents are deceased. I have no relationship with my totally N brother who took part in some of the abuse that I suffered as a child.
I have had years of therapy and done a ton of work on myself. I know who I am. Life gives me a great deal of joy. I have male friends, I have a great relationship with my second husband, and I am close to my twenty-year old daughter, who still lives with us. However, I am stuck in a horrible place when it comes to developing true friendships with women. I always end up getting used.
When I first started healing, I became very aware that I was attracted to alcoholic, domineering, charismatic N men. They really rang my chime. I swore off romantic relationships until I got over that "addiction". I was also a single mom with a 2 year old daughter after my divorce and I did not want to have a revolving door of boyfriends coming in and out of our lives. When I first met my second husband, I was not romantically attracted to him because he didn't have that N alcoholic vibe. We became friends and then our relationship slowly developed into a romance. We have been happily married for 13 years. I love him with all my heart and I trust him; the feeling is mutual. Our relationship is a healthy one...we can be who we are with eachother. My male friends aren't Ns either. But I bomb out when it comes to women.
I seem to be absolutely stuck when it comes to female friendships. They always start out great and end when I realize that once again I am re-living the same pattern that I had with my mother, which was all give and no take. I remember coming home one day many years ago and the answering machine was going. My mom was talking to it, just going on and on. I picked up the phone and said hello. She just kept on talking without a break for ten more minutes, never said hello or anything to acknowledge that I was there. My therapist at the time said,"So she could have been just talking to a machine as far as she was concerned. You are a machine to her. Just one generous mechanical ear. How do you feel about that?" I laughed. I have not been able to get past the laugh reaction even now when I think about this. That laugh tells me I am not willing to really feel what was going on.
I just ended a three year friendship with someone, let's call her M, who eventually became a business partner about six months ago. She supplied me with some of the merchandise that I sell. After we started working together, and I was making money for her, she started treating me with almost contempt, as if I had ceased to exist as a person. For instance, I recently lost a beloved pet. She never even mentioned it. Every conversation we had was lengthy and it was usually about her personal problems. M had a traumatic childhood. M would repeat the same stories over and over, word for word, sometimes several times in the same call. It was nothing to be stuck on the phone with M for two or three hours. I confronted her about this several times. M would vow to change but would revert to the same behaviour in the next call. I would end up feeling as if I had been assaulted and bombarded...just used. I told her that she needed to stop using me as a therapist, which is exactly what she was doing. I do have to admit that the trend was there from the absolute beginning of our relationship, but I just did not see it or recognize it for what it was. When my pet died, and I was devastated, that's when I began to think that maybe this was a repeat.
M would also not keep business commitments and had many excuses. If I had something I needed to discuss, she would have every excuse in the world for not dealing with it, from being tired to being dyslexic. She would actually tell me her brain could not process what I was telling her. If I did get a couple sentences in, it would only be with many interruptions and arguments. In addition, as the months have past, she has been sending me things of less quality, or things I would have to take apart and clean in order to sell. I had also addressed this concern, but she kept sending stuff that needed help.
After our last conversation, in which M descended to new lows, I sent her an email. Here is part of it. "You want the conversations to be all about you. If I try to talk about anything that is of interest to me, you use several techniques for forcing the conversation back to yourself. You interrupt, you suddenly have a headache, you say you feel sick, you say you are dyslexic and don't understand, you say you have to go, you start talking to your cat, you tell me how you are flushing your cigarettes, you override me and you talk louder, and you even whine, so in effect you shout me down and shut me up. In other works, you do anything you can to not listen. You are extremely manipulative and controlling....and I am tired of it. When I say ok, you suddenly go back to hours of droning on and on about yourself, so that negates most of the excuses you give. I cannot get off the phone with you either. If you get the feeling I have been avoiding you, I have. Friendship should be a pleasure and a joy...not a f***g unpaid therapy session."
" Until you are capable of making some very major changes in regards to our interactions, I am just not willing to talk on the phone with you. If you do call me and start with the interruptions, overrides, advice...and the monologues, I am going to hang up, so be forewarned.
Please don't tell me you are sorry. That's meaningless."
I also told her I am severing our business relationship. Whatever financial difficulty comes from this will be well worth the peace of mind. My hubby jokingly said now I will have time to start two more businesses and get a PHD on top of it...lol.
Anyway, I am not laughing about my friend. I have had so many friendships like this, but this was by far the most extreme. (I guess I needed to get whacked with a two by four to GET it.) After I sent the letter, I started doing some serious reading about narcissism...and when I ran across a sentence of how narcissism can look like a learning disability and how Ns have trouble listening, I got it. I really got it. Neither my mother or M could listen unless it somehow had something to do with them.
I could just kick myself in the butt. Why can't I get the female friendship thing together the way I have with the male friends?