Hi Marta,
Well, I confess I felt a little panicked at your suggestion. Are you sure you want to get me started?

But here it is in a nutshell. Maybe I am misusing the term "emotional incest", maybe it was only favoritism, but it was a very strong preference that my mother had for my brother while we were growing up. And BTW he acts just like my father. So at least she is consistent in her choice of men. Whenever my brother and I had a row or disagreement, she always took his side. She would even send me to my room while he gloated. I would scream bloody murder at the injustice. Which just made her more mad at me. Funny, when the men scream, they get results.
At times, my brother would fight her battles for her with my father. Maybe this is some kind of Oedipal complex of trying to kill off dad to get mom for himself. When brother got older, they would sometimes even flirt with each other which really made me puke. My H noticed it too. He puked too. When we were teenagers, father and brother were constantly battling and I mean battling each other. It was very common for me to walk in the front door to loud shouting matches and one of them stalking out of whatever room they were in. I would freeze and then go to my room (the one given to me because I'm spoiled--in brother's eyes I should be naked in a doghouse). My hands are cold as I write this. My mother will give stuff freely to my brother that she had already promised to my family. I can't figure out if it's because she really favors him or because he would roar if she gave anything of substance to me. If I uttered the slightest unflattering criticism of mother (what teenage daughter doesn't?) my brother would tattle and then mother would heap her own special brand of passive aggressiveness on me. Example: I mention I don't like a certain color to my brother, which is her favorite color, and next thing I know I am receiving clothes in that color. She would laugh a very mean laugh.
What really gets me too, now that the father abuse is on the table, is how brother thinks he is the most loved by mother and the most hated by father. He's special! It all happened, but only to him! Grrrr.
All of this has taught me "Don't ask for anything, don't expect any support, don't say what you think, don't inconvenience me, I shouldn't have to tell you, you should know I expect you to serve me and you are otherwise disqualified to be in this family." Buy hey, they're generous! On their terms.
A great moment was when my brother was heaping criticism on me for not having a summer job. I had no transportation and for crying out loud I wasn't supposed to ask. I calmly looked at him and said "if I get a job, how will I get there?" He just stared at me. "Will you drive me?" That was the end of that abuse episode. Score one for me. I remember feeling blown away that my mother tacitly backed me up (because she's traditional and doesn't work outside the home). The fact that I was surprised is consistent with my previous lack of support. This is why it's so memorable.
Oh wait there's more: this is one of mother's special surprise treats. My father likes to rage whenever any of us do something silly like make decisions for ourselves. Psychologists call it practicing individuation. Ironically my father would tell us to "be yourself". Isn't that nice? So whenever any of us lost our senses and took him at his word, rage rage rage. My mother wouldn't really be upset about whatever it was that we did, hmm can't think of examples right now, but she come down on us like a ton of bricks (this is the surprise) because he would express his dissatisfaction with us to her (of course probably making her feel like it was her fault or something). but her attitude is like "what are you thinking, making him so mad? You know what it like to live with that, so cut it out so I don't have a problem on my hands! Get back in line. Stop making my life difficult."
Amazingly, now that we're all out of the house, my relationships are much better with the both of them although I need still to manage the communication I have with both them and of course the N. They still have their special moments. I wonder how his wife feels about that. And this brother was the only one who protected me against the neighborhood bullies (we had quite a number on our street). So it's all kind of confusing at times. To this day, the sense of protection I get from my H is one of the things I value most about our relationship. Not in a "I get to beat her up, not you" sort of way, but a "I'm going to take care of you and keep you safe" way. This is very important to me even though I think I'm pretty self-reliant.
There is more humiliating stuff from my father, but I am not ready to post that. the only person i have
ever told is my H. I don't write this to tantalize you, but to explain the depth of my feelings.
Okee dokee, there you go. MP
PS Marta, I've read a lot of your posts and you and Amethyst seem to have stories that overlap mine quite a bit. Well, I hope this helps. It's all rather crappy, but I look forward to getting it out of my system some day. MP