Oh my Argusina, you hit a nail right on the head. Alot of N are addicted to online, they can pretend to be anybody they want. Nobody disputes them because they have no clue. Juat a little background about my xN to help you understand. He was all of the following, miserable, rotten low down ,things he be to little ole me. Let me see, I was called names on a daily basis, shoved down, belittled for being in school for my masters, Had my rib broke by one of his sucker punches, yada yada freggin yada. The man was as uncaring as the devil himself and this is what he wrote to all of his online gaming buddies. Hope your sitting down, made me sick just reading it. But ya know, those people online would have a fit if they knew what he was.
He was arrested for calling a black lady a "N""C..T", He has a little sweety for a daughter who he will no doubt ruin. He yells at her on a daily basis. He is so out of control it scares me and saddens me because I have been on the receiving end of his wrath. Now, here is what he said to all of his great, great "Friends" online. It has made me realise that people can be fake in person but jeesh online you reallly have no idea. This should be a big red flag, it was for me.
To all my clan mates and our friends:
I wish you all a very happy and safe Thanksgiving. One of many things I am thankful for is all of you!
Peace to you all.
The man has not had a moment of peace in his life. Who the hell does he think he is fooling. Grossed me out thinking of him saying such fuzzy words to total strangers. Heck I did good if he only called me one name a day. One day he went and posted this big long ruckus raising post, somebody made a racial remark, he who had just been arrested for doing worse jumped that kids butt. I just peak every now and then to keep convincing myself that he is a lying scum bag. It helps too.
I wanted so badly to type on there, humm, now who was arrested for verbally assaulting a lady, busted his girl friends rib, and so on so on. But heck, there were a few girls there playing on the forum, you said it best. They come on nice in the beginning, they watch out Bessie all hell breaks loose. I regret the day I ever met him. He plugs on as if he never knew me, I have his words running around in my head daily. I pity the next fool he hooks onto. Tisk Tisk!!