Author Topic: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?  (Read 32587 times)


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2005, 06:30:22 PM »
This is the web site for the New Orleans Times-Picayune. They remained in the city until their building was flooded to the second story, and then fled. They have just begun publishing on paper again, I think today, but they have kept the Web site going through everything. I haven't read them before this event, so I don't have any history on their editorial stance, but I imagine that is a side issue - for them and everyone depending on them - just now. They should be a fairly authoritative source of info on events in the city.

Hi Stormchild, I have been reading them and they are telling it like it is. Another great source of information, without spin, is WWL, a CBS affiliate.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #76 on: September 05, 2005, 10:28:47 AM »

Thanks for that NO web site.  my BIL and SIL last we knew were at home with no water.
I found this note on the NO web site regarding the town he lives in Jefferson.
Im going to forward this to my BIL here in Dallas so he is aware this site is available.  Thanks.

fox news that people from jefferson parish are being allowed in tomorrow to retrieve items and pets but then they have to leave



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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2005, 10:42:27 AM »
Here is the link to WWL's missing and looking forum.

Here is also the link to WWL news and you can get streaming video. Excellent coverage. Very fair.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #78 on: September 05, 2005, 11:22:49 AM »
Thank you for the links Stormchild and Amethyst. Much appreciated.

Sallying Forth

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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #79 on: September 07, 2005, 04:03:34 AM »
I have since realized my whole purpose in posting this topic was the voicelessness of those in the hurricane striken states and identifying with that in a very huge way.

I've been dealing with those feelings for about 6 days and have not posted on this board since I wrote this topic. I haven't even been online to read anything. I still haven't really read anything. Still dealing with my own voicelessness and that is more than enough.  :(
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #80 on: September 07, 2005, 06:52:22 AM »
Hi, Sally (is this a good nickname for you?  Don't want to assume.)--

What are you feeling voiceless about?  I think we are done with our donneybrook now and can have more personal conversations about each others' feelings.  It is your thread, after all.  And you haven't gotten to really express yourself at all.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #81 on: September 07, 2005, 06:58:43 AM »
PS  In my community there are hours and hours of work to be done to deal with the hurricane-- we have new residents (trying to find a new word besides "refugee" which many of the new residents were saying on television they hate as a term for them) by the thousands and there is so much to be done.  People have been incredibly generous with their stuff and their time.  If I could I would love to go help personally-- it is almost a physical need.  I can and have given money and sent stuff, but it isn't as satisfying.  I know this is specific to areas near Louisiana, but it is true that the physical act of doing something helps so much at a time like this. And unlike after 9-11, which was so frustrating because there was not as much to physically do, there is at least a year of hard work ahead with this one. 

It was fun that moment I sent stuff to the food bank, I have to say.  Maybe for those of us raised on lies and weird words that made no sense and pretend nurturing that was never followed through--  just the sheer force of actual truthful action is therapeutic, almost the best kind of voice to have.

Not sure what my point is.  I need to go back to sleep :)

miss piggy

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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #82 on: September 07, 2005, 01:06:57 PM »

Does the word "evacuee" work here v. "refugee" or the standby "survivor"?

Sallying Forth,

I think the response to your thread demonstrates a lack of apathy.... :|



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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #83 on: September 07, 2005, 04:31:25 PM »
This is the web site for the New Orleans Times-Picayune. They remained in the city until their building was flooded to the second story, and then fled. They have just begun publishing on paper again, I think today, but they have kept the Web site going through everything. I haven't read them before this event, so I don't have any history on their editorial stance, but I imagine that is a side issue - for them and everyone depending on them - just now. They should be a fairly authoritative source of info on events in the city.

Added on edit: and they have been publishing for more than 150 years... that makes me want to cry... again...

(((Stormchild))) We found out last night that the delta area is a major flyway for migrating birds. The fear is that birds may eat fish or vegetation that is so toxic that they will die...or that they will land in Lake Ponchartrain, which will be polluted for years, and be killed because of the toxins that are being pumped back in to the lake. Lake Ponchartrain wasn't in such great condition to begin with, but the pumping will probably completely deoxygenate it. Then I saw some people that did not want to be evacuated because they have to leave their pets behind and who can blame them? Pets are family. Most pets are being left behind and the authorities are having to kill some of them. There is an animal pet rescue organization that is doing as much as it can, but it is way overextended. Some towns, such as Chalmette, which was a refinery town, will have to be completely razed because of benzines and other cancer causing toxins. That area may be forever uninhabitable. The fishing and shrimping industries may be unsafe both in the short term and the long haul because of the pollution.  :cry:

The losses are just unimaginable and keep compounding. I have been leaking tears all week, but last night I really sobbed. In the meantime, I wrote my letters and gave food to a food bank. We now have evacuation centers in our town and people are trying to find homes and apartments for the families that are here. I wish I could do more, much more. I am sure we all do.

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee." 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 04:41:33 PM by amethyst »


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #84 on: September 07, 2005, 05:43:58 PM »
We found out last night that the delta area is a major flyway for migrating birds. The fear is that birds may eat fish or vegetation that is so toxic that they will die...or that they will land in Lake Ponchartrain, which will be polluted for years, and be killed because of the toxins that are being pumped back in to the lake. Lake Ponchartrain wasn't in such great condition to begin with, but the pumping will probably completely deoxygenate it. Then I saw some people that did not want to be evacuated because they have to leave their pets behind and who can blame them? Pets are family. Most pets are being left behind and the authorities are having to kill some of them. There is an animal pet rescue organization that is doing as much as it can, but it is way overextended.

there are evacuees - all the way here in oregon now.  this was a very frightening situation. i really truly lost it over the pets. i lost it over the old people dying on the bridges, i -really- lost it over the children raped in the bathroom. i really -really- lost it seeing people forced to leave their dogs and animals just sitting in the ruins. 

this is -not- human. this is not what happens to human people. this is really really -really- emotionally devastating. 


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #85 on: September 07, 2005, 06:31:02 PM »
We found out last night that the delta area is a major flyway for migrating birds. The fear is that birds may eat fish or vegetation that is so toxic that they will die...or that they will land in Lake Ponchartrain, which will be polluted for years, and be killed because of the toxins that are being pumped back in to the lake. Lake Ponchartrain wasn't in such great condition to begin with, but the pumping will probably completely deoxygenate it. Then I saw some people that did not want to be evacuated because they have to leave their pets behind and who can blame them? Pets are family. Most pets are being left behind and the authorities are having to kill some of them. There is an animal pet rescue organization that is doing as much as it can, but it is way overextended.

there are evacuees - all the way here in oregon now.  this was a very frightening situation. i really truly lost it over the pets. i lost it over the old people dying on the bridges, i -really- lost it over the children raped in the bathroom. i really -really- lost it seeing people forced to leave their dogs and animals just sitting in the ruins. 

this is -not- human. this is not what happens to human people. this is really really -really- emotionally devastating

((((d's mom))))

This is not what should ever happen, but it did and it does. It should not be happening in a country that does have the wealth and the resources to prevent this, which we do. Unfortunately, we have squandered so much on less important things. For instance, I think of my daughter's classmate whose parents gave him a Humvee. Why are we even manufacturing vehicles like that for civilian use?

I hurt for the people who had to leave everything, who lost everything, their pets, their homes, their possessions, their lives, their children, their loved ones, their friends, their neighborhoods, their schools, their community. Their humanity has been tested to the breaking point...and yet they thank us. Oh my God. 


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #86 on: September 07, 2005, 06:35:05 PM »
Anna, I understand your devastation.  I feel it too.  I haven't commented here until now.  Not sure what to say of use.

Sometimes, I am ashamed to be a Canadian, after what my ancestors did to the First Nations and Inhuit peoples here....tricking them, liquoring them up, ripping them off, killing off the beasts they relied on for food, spreading disease to them by giving them blankets infested with small pox by Jove!!!  Then too, I'm ashamed to be white person, after what my ancestors did to the slaves....dragging them to this continent in the first place, lot's of them suffering and dying before even arriving here, treating them like live stock and auctioning them off, working them to the bone, splitting up their families, denying them any human rights..even to read the Bible!!!.....raping them, whipping them, hanging them, tacking them if they escaped, half starving them and degrading them in any possible way, their spirits and their bodies.   Or maybe it's just shameful to be a homosapien, after what my ancestors did/still do to their enemies in war (long list of inhumane practices and tortures), or as punishment for crimes (same list, different day), or to those deemed to be witches, or adulterers, or gay people, or disabled, or left handed, for crying out loud!  It is shameful to think that I might be related to some one, waaaaaay back, who behaved in such attrocious ways toward other human beings!!   :oops: :oops: :oops:
Sometimes humans behave in abhorrent ways.  They have certainly done so in the past.  They will continue to, I'm afraid, for a long while yet.   I can only feel severe emotions for those who suffer and massive shame for those who perpetrate.   There is evil in this place...let there be no doubt.

But there is also much good.  I mentioned this to a friend.....the media is in love with horror.  The more of it it can splash across the front page or the screen...the boils down to selling their stuff.  If as much time were devoted to the kindness and the heroism and generosity and the great will to survive that must have occurred throughout this disaster....what would we feel then?

I won't forget those people either.  I feel horrible pain for those who have been treated like animals or worse during this disaster and I pray for the souls of those who have caused their suffering....

and.....I thank all good forces, God and all the angels for those who have given, have sacrificed, have risked, have dared the devil to save or help another.  Let them be counted too please.  And let them give us hope that whereever there is horror there is also joy.

Too preachy I know, to borrow someone's adjective.  Thankyou for the loan.



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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #87 on: September 07, 2005, 07:09:27 PM »
In a rare alliance with the insurance companies, I like their labeling of hurricanes, 500 year floods and the like.  They are "acts of God".  They are not preventable.  They occur randomnly as tragedy often does in life.  They occurred in prehistoric times and they occur now. It is not the governments fault, or Bush's fault or Jesse Jackson's fault or (fill in the blank's) fault.  It is okay to get emotional about it.  It is devastating and horrible.  I still dont get the blame part, though. Sorry.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #88 on: September 07, 2005, 08:19:52 PM »
I still dont get the blame part, though.

Maybe blaming is just another habitual reaction or coping technique or something?

Just luck passing the buck. :shock:

Not fair is it?

« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 08:21:50 PM by Sela »


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #89 on: September 07, 2005, 08:56:07 PM »
Sela, you are right.  Probably is a coping mechanism. 

On a different note, I was somewhat disturbed to hear tonight that the mayor of NO and the Govenor of LA are sending conflicting messages about whether NO has to be evacuated.  That sounds like a recipe for disaster.