Anna, I understand your devastation. I feel it too. I haven't commented here until now. Not sure what to say of use.
Sometimes, I am ashamed to be a Canadian, after what my ancestors did to the First Nations and Inhuit peoples here....tricking them, liquoring them up, ripping them off, killing off the beasts they relied on for food, spreading disease to them by giving them blankets infested with small pox by Jove!!! Then too, I'm ashamed to be white person, after what my ancestors did to the slaves....dragging them to this continent in the first place, lot's of them suffering and dying before even arriving here, treating them like live stock and auctioning them off, working them to the bone, splitting up their families, denying them any human rights..even to read the Bible!!!.....raping them, whipping them, hanging them, tacking them if they escaped, half starving them and degrading them in any possible way, their spirits and their bodies. Or maybe it's just shameful to be a homosapien, after what my ancestors did/still do to their enemies in war (long list of inhumane practices and tortures), or as punishment for crimes (same list, different day), or to those deemed to be witches, or adulterers, or gay people, or disabled, or left handed, for crying out loud! It is shameful to think that I might be related to some one, waaaaaay back, who behaved in such attrocious ways toward other human beings!!
Sometimes humans behave in abhorrent ways. They have certainly done so in the past. They will continue to, I'm afraid, for a long while yet. I can only feel severe emotions for those who suffer and massive shame for those who perpetrate. There is evil in this place...let there be no doubt.
But there is also much good. I mentioned this to a friend.....the media is in love with horror. The more of it it can splash across the front page or the screen...the boils down to selling their stuff. If as much time were devoted to the kindness and the heroism and generosity and the great will to survive that must have occurred throughout this disaster....what would we feel then?
I won't forget those people either. I feel horrible pain for those who have been treated like animals or worse during this disaster and I pray for the souls of those who have caused their suffering....
and.....I thank all good forces, God and all the angels for those who have given, have sacrificed, have risked, have dared the devil to save or help another. Let them be counted too please. And let them give us hope that whereever there is horror there is also joy.
Too preachy I know, to borrow someone's adjective. Thankyou for the loan.