Author Topic: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?  (Read 32624 times)


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #135 on: September 17, 2005, 06:27:50 PM »

ok -  i was away for a few days, first i wanted to be off the computer, then i was involved in registering for fall term.... then i ended up borrowing another computer so i could be on the internet without crashing all the time. i think its finally set up & after this message i will be using the other computer so maybe i can even login & get private messages.

i wrote most of this a few days ago, but was gone longer than i thought. 

i didnt like the feeling people were ascribing motives to others, or putting words in their mouth re: their individual reaction.  it -felt- condescending and dismissive.

You said that, awhile back, and then went on to say that I was implying stuff and that "it" was "ok"....only "if" I wasn't implying stuff and now I hear my individual reaction being defined as codependant.  [/i]

ok ........... this has been a major misunderstanding.  we can stop discussing this, that would be fine, but i wanted to let you know obviously this was not what i was trying to say.

i had no intention of saying or meaning that 'it' was only 'ok' 'if' you were or werent 'implying' 'stuff'....... 

even though you tell me it isnt what you meant, it -still- appeared from what you wrote (it was not clear to me) that you -were- ascribing to a belief that people reacting emotionally -were- being inappropriate........... at the very least, it wasnt clear, becuase of the sentence i pointed out. thats why i pointed it out.

now you are saying that =wasnt= what you are saying.  welll.....  i guess you had something in mind but it isnt what i heard.  thats why i was trying to get clarification.

also, it seems as though my use of the word 'codependent' was misconstrued.

that had absolutely no intention of saying you personally are 'codependent' or name you or label you personally!>>>>>..... 

i was saying, reacting to what i read that you wrote,  that i didnt understand why someone would want to share what i saw as -more- responsbility than was truly theirs. i did say that that attitude seemed  'codependent' --  maybe a better term would be a blurring of boundaries or something else, i dont know.  maybe it was misinterpreted that i was calling you or anyone else personally codependent. that wasnt the case. it seemed you were discussing the idea of people in general taking on more responsibilty that was necessary, and i didnt see that as necessary or a healthy thing either, and thats what i said. i wasnt trying to talk about you personally or call anybody codependent.

but i was =not= trying to not accept any apology or deny anyone the right to feel feelings.??

Sorry, this sounds like double speak to me.  Am I supposed to feel better now?

Do you mean you did accept my appology and you are sorry you hurt my feelings by not saying so?[/i]

i mean, i did not even get the message that you were even apologising for anything. i thought we were talking about something completely different.  i thought we were talking about ascribing responsiblity, and how much it is or isnt appropriate, and whether or not having emotional reactions alter a realistic appraisal of allocating responsibility...... thats what i thought we were talking about.

since you clarify that you were actually apologising to me for seeming to mislabel me,  then please, be aware thats not what i read from your post - and im sorry that i apparently missed it, but for whatever reason it did not come across.

its obvious there are very deep divisions as to how this is looked at and interpreted and they wont be changed by talking about it becuase it just has to do with peoples world view.

IMO, the only way to change it is by talking about it but in that talking, to be sure we are talking about not subtley insulting or defining eachother, as we go along.[/i]

well..... i was feeling just as subtly defined and insulted as well! that was the whole point of my objection originally, which i think is still some of the problem happening. the whole original objection had to do with defining people, (anyone, not just me) who either reacts with emotion or who seeks accountability in a trauma, as someone who is either not healthy about their reactions or not reacting appropriately. i felt this was unfair and inaccurate and argued that.

then other people got upset, and thought i was defining -them- with something else. i guess the bottom line is nobody likes to feel defined, right? who actually might have been doing it, and who just felt like it was happening, is open to debate and probably will be disagreed about. its really hard to interpret blank writing like this, everybody knows that.

its obvious we are defining things differently but on the big issues we probably agree...

Defining issues differently is one thing but defining people is something else.  I didn't like you being defined as over emotional or that your blaming was some weird thingy that only over emotional people do. [/i]

well, i totally appreciate that and im glad to hear it.  please understand,  i just flat missed that in your post. my reply was trying to get clarification on the things  you said. if i had thought you had apologised or said what you say you said, my reply would have likely been different.

But you turn around and define me as codependant and say I'm implying stuff.  What stuff??  I've already said I feel insulted about that and disappointed.  I clearly stated my feelings.

well here is a misunderstanding.  i did not say 'you were codependent'........ i said it sounded like a codependent attittude to take on responsibility that isnt yours. (thats general, for anyone, not just you personally).  you say i read it wrong. OK!!!  thats what clarification is for. so you are thinking i just turned around and started calling you stuff, which hurt your feelings, but, really, that wasnt my intent.....  i was talking about the attitudes and generalities -i- thought we were discussing.. i had no intention of insulting or ignoring or anything like that.

Big triangle happening here.

What position am I in again?  Perp?  Resuer?  (surely not now).  Victim?

i dont know. do we have to be in a triangle? i dont feel  i am. i think maybe you stepped in to be a rescuer, but it backfired, becuase i didnt play a role that was expected of me?...... i appreciate you stepping in to help me, i repeat again, i absolutley did not get that out of the post that i read.

i have felt condescended to by almost everythign that bliz has written recently...

So rather than tell her that you do the same thing to me?? [/i]

that might have been how you felt or what you read. but, it just wasnt what i was doing.

....people are geting insulted very easy, ....

Here we go again.  This is a derogatory statement about people in general which is not fair.  When you feel that what people are saying is:  "condescending and dismissive", that's ok but if, by chance, other people feel that way about what you are saying then they are just:  "getting insulted very easy".

Yep, double standard for sure.[/i]

sela:   i think its pretty obvious that i was getting insulted just as much as anybody else. if i wasnt, i would feel more able to continue the conversation rather than just stopping.  actually, it insults me right then that you accuse me of having a double standard when i clearly dont! but, again, why wreck a friendship over it.

i didnt say '-you- are getting insulted' or 'other people are getting insulted' ----- i said 'people' like, all of us. i was 100% including myself.   its just another way of how easy it is to misunderstand peoples meaning in this context.

I'm glad you haven't reacted with anger to my expressing my feelings.  

well, i have no reason to.  it doesnt make me angry when people express their feelings. it upsets me when i feel like people are pigeonholing others, or being unfair or reactionary, or closed-minded, me or anybody. you said you werent doing that, i was still -unclear- beucase of some things that you said, i wrote about that, and then this was upsetting to you. now we are trying to figure it out.

it really triggers me personally when i feel people are being closed minded, especially politically, becuase the stakes are high and it -is- personal. thats what i was feeling like, and thats why i feel its usually better not to talk about it.  i am going to confess to you that i personally believe deep in my heart of hearts that -some- of the attitudes and points of view expressed in that thread were in -my- view, closed minded.  i am going to continue to be triggered by what i percieve as closed-mindedness, and choose to avoid interfacing with it. its the same way i would feel in the middle of a drunk mob. i would want to get away as fast as possible from that kind of mentality beucase i am literally frightened of that way of thinking. it scares me, and talking to people who believe that way makes me feel very much like im hitting my head against a wall.

but to other people, its their perspective and to them, its correct and they percieve that -i- am the one who is strange or wrong.  so rather than be triggered by who this person is,  id rather just let it go. please dont take that as any insult. im sure that is goign to be interpreted as an insult by someone, perhaps everyone. however im trying to describe what was triggering for me about that conversation.

I'm glad you are trying to understand and I hear you trying to avoid further upset.

....I mean to make it clear what you said that hurt mine and I accept and believe that you did not mean to do that.

well, im glad of that.  i had no intention of hurting anyones feelings in any way, especially yours. (but not anyones!)

to really clarify, i *really* want you to understand, that that post from you didnt read to me like how you say you intended it at all..... (as mine apparently didnt either)

it -sounded- as though you were saying 'even though reacting emotionally in a trauma -is- actually a coping mechanism, its still ok'.  it appeared like a left-handed compliment - like you were saying it but not quite saying it. thats what i was unclear about and asking about.  then the codependent thing, was interpreted as a personal insult or something when it totally was something different. so, this whole thing has been misinterpreted from all sides apparently.

you say you were apologising and i believe that....... its still not what i understood from it..... however if thats what you say you meant, i believe you and im sorry i didnt react to that and it hurt you.

i wasnt ignoring you, just finishing a bunch of stuff, and just letting the whole thing go for a few days...... i personally dont have the stomach for political disagreement anymore, becuase its too personal. the stakes are too high for me to be detached anymore discussing politics. i used to like it, it used to be challenging, now its just triggering.

but i didnt mean to hurt you or anyone for sure, or certainly ignore any apology or anything.. hope that makes sense.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #136 on: September 17, 2005, 06:49:29 PM »

i wanted to tell you personally the reason i didnt keep writing to you, and just removed myself........ the reason what you wrote ---appeared--- condescending to me, even though you may not have intended that, (im not saying it -was- condescending, im saying that to me, it -appeared- that way) was becuase it -seemed- to talk in absolutes and make assumptions......... =not= saying it did that...... just saying thats how it -appeared- to me......

so, rather than say, "well -sometimes- people can have inappropriate reactions" or that it happens sometimes or in some cases or to some people, which i could have totally agreed with,  it appeared more of a blanket statement ( not saying im not guilty of those too) as though it was true in -every- single case, which i -didnt-  agree with.....

you could see how that could be interpreted, right?  if you were just saying it is -sometimes- inappropriate, or it -sometimes- happens, then we always agreed from the beginning.

but i -couldnt- agree with saying it was -always- inappropriate or it always happens.....  which was how your writing and words -appeared- to be framing it.

hope that makes sense.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #137 on: September 20, 2005, 11:08:40 PM »
Anna, it seems you're certain that you've simply misunderstood and missed things that I've said and that's it.  Also, you've decided that I've done the same thing and that's it too. 

i guess you had something in mind but it isnt what i heard.

I want to be sure I'm getting what you have in mind now so....are you speaking to me, Anna, because you didn't address your post to anyone.  What's with that?

For some reason it seems like you think the idea of defining *people's* attitude is somewhat less insulting.   I find defining insulting period and I do mess up but I try not to do it, usually.

I wasn't implying anything and I'm sorry it may have seemed that way.

if i had thought you had apologised or said what you say you said, my reply would have likely been different.

What is your reply Anna?

Quote sorry that i apparently missed it, but....

"but" is a way of backing out of appologizing.  This isn't an appology.  It's an explanation, some might even call excuse.

if thats what you say you meant, i believe you and im sorry i didnt react to that and it hurt you.

Appology accepted.

that might have been how you felt or what you read. but, it just wasnt what i was doing.

This statement totally invalidates my feelings.  What you're saying is that it "might".......have been what I felt.  Are you trying to take back your appology?  Probably not.

actually, it insults me right then that you accuse me of having a double standard when i clearly dont! but, again, why wreck a friendship over it.

I'm sorry I said you had a double standard and that I insulted you.  I have no excuse.  I could have found a better way of getting my point across and I didn't try hard enough.

Quote really triggers me personally when i feel people are being closed minded.

Which people?   Are they closed minded if they disagree?

i am literally frightened of that way of thinking. it scares me, and talking to people who believe that way makes me feel very much like im hitting my head against a wall.

Your feelings are valid.

but i didnt mean to hurt you or anyone for sure

Again, I believe what you're saying about your intentions.

I don't think this communication will ruin our friendship.  I do think that it's good to work out conflict and since this one started on the board, it would be nice to see it resolved on the board.


Sallying Forth

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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #138 on: September 21, 2005, 12:54:42 AM »
In many ways it appears all about implication.  You think/feel I am being condescending, although I have apologized

I accept your apology bliz.

and repeatedly said that was not my intent.
Ah ha, was not your intent. I felt it was condescending and assuming. Regardless of your intent, that is what I felt and that is how I perceived you.

I didn't have a problem when you used "I" statements and expressed your thoughts, your feelings, etc.. I don't have a problem hearing about your thoughts, your feelings, etc..

When I use "I" statements rather than "you" or "blanket" statements I am expressing myself and sharing my experience.

The intent of "you" and "blanket" statements is tell someone how they should feel or think. That manner of expressing oneself is perceived by me as condescending. It is not about sharing one's experience. It is about saying, "it was that way for me so it is that way for you or should be that way for you."

In the following you have used both "you" and "blanket" statements and it is confusing. Are you talking about yourself? Yes or no or unknown.

I still believe that for those still crying in front of the TV, there are other issues at play.  This is not said in a shamemaking way. Yes, it can bring up those memories of a dysfunctional childhood.  Hopefully people would realize this and continue to take the necessary steps to permanently greive these issues and move on.

Being stuck is a common problem for the codependent and abused, in my opinion and from my personal experience.  Codependents easily identify with others facing tragedy.  This is defintely okay, but I would hope at some point the main personal issues would be addressed.  That doesnt mean you cant still cry in front of the television.  It means you know why you are feeling the depth of this, how it relates to your own personal experience and how you are integrating that into your current life and healing plan.

You believe? How do you know? Based on what? Because you were that way! Not necessarily because anyone else is that way.

Below here you clearly say this is about you. You own it. These are "I" statements. I am VERY clear that you are sharing your experiences.

I erroneously thought that part of being here was to share our experience and what worked and didnt work.  That was one of the points of my post. 

I was stuck for many years, running around emoting over every tragedy that happened to someone else, not realizing I was also greiving my own tragedies by proxy.  Once I was able to discern between the two and recognize when my emotions were a little over top for the situation, I was able to fully feel and identify the tragedies that have happened to me.  I was able to greive the injustices that had occured to me and release that energy.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #139 on: September 21, 2005, 07:57:06 AM »
Sally, D'Mom, etc.
I dont think it will help to keep going over this word by word.  I question why it is needed?  It is obvious there has been misunderstanding and misinterpretation of my words. I have expressed my feelings.  I have apologized for any misinterpretation.  I do not see an apology forthcoming for how I was misinterpreted and misunderstood, but dont really expect or need one.  We are allowed to disagree is the bottom line for me.  I do not feel you are a bad person or I am a bad person because we disagree.

As an aside, the way people are evacuated out of the Florida Keys could be used as a role model for hurricane preparedness.  They have always had a plan and always, always, encouraged their residents to have their own plan.  There is only one road in and out.  Also there are many homeless, poor etc.   Somehow it seems to work like clockwork, almost every time.  This would be about the sixth evacuation in two years.  ALso most nursing homes and hospitals have agreements with other nursing homes and hospitals outside of the Keys to transport the sick and elderly.   


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #140 on: September 24, 2005, 07:53:32 PM »
On the subject of "I" statements vs. "you" statements:

If someone steps on my foot, I am going to say:

"Excuse me, that's my foot."

If that does not work, we move to:

"Hey, you are on my foot. Please move."

if that does not work, we progress to:

"Would you please get off my foot?"

and if that does not work, we progress further to:

"YOU! Get. Off. My. Foot. NOW!"

Further levels of escalation are left as a thought exercise for the reader... you will note, though, that nearly all of them have the word YOU prominently featured (and believe me, it just gets more prominent).


I can absolutely, positively, 1000% guarantee that the one thing I will never say, in such a circumstance, is the following:

"When you step on my foot, it hurts me, and then I feel bad."

There is a limit to the usefulness of this construct.* Also true when someone steps on your feelings... no matter who's the one doing the stepping, or who's the one doing the feeling. So... folks saying 'you' here, in the heat of the moment, looks to me more like a normal human response to a sharp pain**, rather than blaming language.

But, of course, it's not my[/i] foot being stepped on, and nobody asked for my opinion anyway, dern me... so I will now shut up and go away.

*mental image of one soldier telling enemy soldier wielding assault rifle: "See, when you shoot me with that thing, I fall down and bleed, and it hurts, and I feel bad, and I'm afraid I'm going to die..."

**being a bit of a sharp pain myself, right now, ain't I.


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #141 on: September 25, 2005, 10:10:41 AM »
That's pretty funny!!! 


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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy?
« Reply #142 on: September 25, 2005, 09:39:48 PM »
thank you - i'm glad it came across that way, i was truly trying to crack a smile rather than be a pain. :-). love y'all.