Plucky, thanks for your accurate understanding of this spin off, it really means a lot to me; just to see that I am being understood somehow takes away all the charge out of my emotional reaction. Is this what is called mirroring that my mom was supposed to have given me? BTW, Vunil, Plucky, I have no problems with the term Third World. A rose is a rose….
Let me also say that I would not be upset if Howard Stern or Ted Kennedy had made such comments – that happens all the time. I was upset precisely because I have come to rather like and trust the virtual personality of Tiffany, so it felt as though someone who ought to understand me wasn’t getting it. As far as I know, in those first two posts we were NOT talking about charity or sympathy, but about construing certain groups of people as criminals, i.e. racial profiling. I read in Tiff’s posts that we should give benefit of doubt to decent black folks, after all they were not third world refugees (hence the term benefit of doubt, which would be valid if we were talking about crime, but not if we were talking of charity or sympathy). BTW, I have NO problems with the term third world refugee. Nor do I have any problems with the view that chariy begins at home. I do however object strongly to what I read as, third world refugees are likely to be common criminal.
Anyhow, let us please just drop this issue now.
As for the message board, I think we have dual goals of being supportive and yet bringing our own perspective to the discussion. Often these goals conflict. At least for me, the scales automatically tip in favor of being supportive as far as personal discussion is concerned, especially when we are dealing with folks in fragile states of mind.
But when it comes to discussion of political or social issues, I unapologetically throw 100% weight on bringing my perspective out. Judging by the number of angries we got on Katrina discussion, I guess that this is true for most people. As for style, I come from the academia, so it is second nature to me to sift through intellectual ideas, evaluate them, and say, hey, this one looks great, may be that one needs incubating, just play with the possibilities. Intellectual honesty is very, very important to me in these discussions. I intend to be myself and let others be themselves.
Tiff, I would love for you to stay.
Signing off until next week,