I had a huge eye opener today.
A while back, about 8 months ago, I discovered that my father was a narcissist. I always knew that something was wrong but never quite found the label. I am slowly coming to grips with this and determining strategies to handle it. I have decided to take a positive approach and will not sever our relationship because I think that there is too much tied up in my extended family. So, basically I just have to learn how to put up walls and work from there. Not easy, but I will do it.
But this is old news. Approximately 2 months ago i eneded a 20 year friendship because I had strange vibes from this friend. I never actually sought to determine what her pathologies were but I am pretty certain that she also suffered from narcissistic tendancies. She was not worth the effort because I always felt bad in her presence and found her constant attempts to one-up me annoying. She was jettisoned and I feel all the better for it.
But the big shocker came with my best friend. Lately we have experienced some tense moments and it was climaxed with his total disregard for expressing sympathies in the death of my grandmother. Normally I would have not noticed and would have let it slip, but when his father passed away last year I went out of my way to make arrangements and even put up some of his family in my place. (I guess his father was not worth the cost of a hotel room.) I confronted him on the issue and he attacked back with venom. I was hoping that he would realize his mistake, apologize, and explain why he was not able to be more sympathetic. But instead, he chose to attack and he attacked hard. So I decided to look at the traits of narcissists and do a layman evaluation of his behavior. WOW Extreme narcissist. Again, I always had strange vibes from him, but I just shrugged them off. I felt sorry for him in some ways, and we did enjoy some good times together. I wont dwell on all the details because I am trying to make another point.
I have many friends in my life and the removal of these two will not make a difference in that respect. Except that I was closer to them than the others friends due to geographic reasons. And don't assume that all of a sudden I am labeling everyone a narcissist. I am not. I can see beyond the temptation to do this every time we have uncomfortable feelings.
So basically, I have come to realize that I was a magnet for these types of people. Its simply because I have been used to it my entire life from my relationship with my father and when I was treated poorly by these friends in a way it seemed normal. But that is the case no more. I am standing up for myself and I will reply to his venomous email and let him know that I wish to end our friendship. I know that he will reply in a cruel way and attempt to make me feel bad. But I will stand up for myself and I will no longer tolerate this abuse.
I was just curious how many others of you out there have experienced the same thing. That is, how many of you feel that you attract these people because we are more tolerant of their poor behavior because it feels natural to us.
Anxiously waiting your replies,
P.S. I feel so good!!!