Hi Portia,
Boy, just when I was going to sign off I remembered that there was a new post on this half of the board. And it's addresssed to me!

I'm like a kid, love getting mail. I love writing letters, too, and email is heaven-sent manna for me.
Can't tell, but hope you know the archery thing was just an observation I thought would amuse you and wasn't "aimed" at you, ha ha. I like what you said about intellectual stimulation. I think I do the same thing. I started to write a post just this morning for this board and realized it was turning into an essay about spirituality. I might post it later after I let it cool.
I also come here because after all the pain, obsessing, recovery, learning, etc., I just gotta share it. And I want to help others. This is the only board I participate on as I am still a 20th century gal and leery of the cyber boogie man (as another poster said).
I'm pretty thrilled to learn that there are people out there like you, Portia, who ponder things like "empathy" and "compassion" etc. etc. and what they really mean for us fellow humans. It seems like a Catch-22 type of question that you ask (and I'm sorta flattered you wanted to ask me

Is it possible to empathize with someone who does not have the ability to empathize? My feeling is the answer is "yes". I
can imagine what N would be like, esp. after reading Controlling People. Just imagine that there are no human beings, only dolls, robots, teddy bears. Use the phrases "supposed to" and "should" a lot. See things only in cause-and-effect terms without overtones of morality. If I get what I want, it's right. Watch the Stepford Wives for a real scare.
This perspective actually really helped me get past my guilt about my nearby N. Well, if my feelings don't make any difference to her, why am I killing myself? She's just going to have to find another way to gratify herself. Why the guilt? Because I am a compassionate person.
OK, compassion. I had to look it up in the dictionary for the key piece. Here it is:
sympathetic consciousness of another's distress together with a desire to alleviate it.It's that desire to alleviate distress that gets us into trouble.

I think it is possible to be compassionate for Ns because we
are conscious of
their distress. They make sure we know when they are in distress!
Should we
act on that compassion towards Ns? Ew, there's that word "should". It's totally a judgment call made on a case by case basis, I feel. My breaking point was realizing my oxygen mask had slipped off and I needed to be there for my kids. If anything, encounters with Ns force us to prioritize! Anyway, feeling compassion and having a desire to alleviate distress does not equal acting on that desire. Of course, resisting this desire can cause a lot of anguish. It's not very pleasurable to watch someone drown in the rapids all the while they are yelling at you insisting they swim very well thank you and why don't you jump in here and drown with me?
Can we be compassionate towards people we don't like, people who have hurt us? I don't know. I think one has to be a pretty spiritually evolved person to pull it off authentically. The best I can do is say "I don't know what God's plan is for them. I just know that I am unable to make this a healthy situation for me." In other words, I can't help and stay healthy. If I'm having a good day I might even be able to say it/think it without being angry

I don't know if I'm responding to everything, Portia...there's a lot in your post to consider! Oh yeah, I just saw an article on brain research and empathy in the local newspaper. Really interesting. Basically a certain area of the brain lights up while empathizing. I would love to see the fMRI on a full blown narcissist while watching Love Story or Terms of Endearment

Have you read Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning? I really recommend it. Frankl is a holocaust survivor/psychiatrist who shares a very compelling story and philosophy.
Thanks a bunch for your email. Maybe we can be philosophy/writing buddies

Ciao for now, Seeker