" I made a suicide attempt last year after nearly 20 years of having to "stuff" my voice. And now I am having to "stuff" my voice again. I am of no value to myself and hate that my innate creativity and joy for life is flat and non-existent. The greatest sin is giving birth to a child and failing to nurture them or let them know they are valued and that their thoughts are worthwhile."
Dear What2do1958,
I'm so sorry for your pain. I, too, have felt voiceless most of my life. I won't say I understand but I can relate.
I was wondering what would cause you to stuff your voice today? Even when I don't always believe in myself, if I am passionate about my cause, (without hurting anyone) I try to recognize my voice is my choice. At 50, I am finallybeginning to learn that it is ok to do what is right for me--everyone else does. I found a freedom in this revelation. It's hard to re-train my mind to be aware that my choices are mine and only I can decide how I use my voice. I may not always be proud of my voice and that's when I choose to contain it, but I am proud that I have found the courage for it to be my choice to express it or not.
What is holding you closed? I you have the desire to find and express your voice, nothing outside you, within reason, should stop you. If you can identify a simple reason why you don't have a voice, maybe you will find a place to share it...like here. Start slow and you may see it's ok today--in 2005, at 46 years old. The thought came to mind that maybe 1958 is good to look at, but how about if we would look at What2do2005. It may be hard to do right now, but for the sake of argument...if we turn around and sometimes try a new door, you never know what might be waiting.
It also caught my attention that you know you are a gifted creative person. Although I'm sorry you have temporarily lost your passion, it is still part of who you are. It will return in time. I too have been here and I have learned that if we never lost it, how would we find it? Even the best of authors get writers block. I now try to be more patient and wait for the time when things just flow. The key is not to push, but to be aware and when the time is right--go for it. For now, I'm sorry for how you feel and hope you can muster up some courage and strength to have peace enough to share your voice.
I do have one more question... are you a parent? Is it your parents who committed this sin and/or someone else, too. Please don't add to their ignorance by not being a good parent to yourself. Not to sound cliche` but...you must nurture the child within you now. I'm not saying this is easy, or can even be done, but I believe it can help. I'm fighting this same battle. Good luck to you and my thoughts are with you.