After a recent fight with my girlfriend, I finally decided I was going to figure out just what was wrong with me. I never had any backing during arguments, nobody saw things the way I did, nobody thought there was any problem at all any time I got into an argument.
I'm very protective of people. My girlfriend, my best friends, I get easily offended when it comes to them. If somebody makes a joke about them that I see as inappropriate, my first instinct is to deck them. My second instinct is to look to see who is on my side.
Problem is, nobody is ever on my side, it seems like.
So I looked up insecurities and mental disorders, because I knew it couldn't just be an aggression problem, very few things set me off. I came across a lot of information about Narcissism. At first, I was offended by my own notion that I might be narcissistic. What was I trying to pull, I wasn't in love with myself. In fact, it was the opposite, I had no self-image whatsoever. Still, I wouldn't let myself not look into it.
Eventually, I found
this site, a helpful information faq site that didn't just call me a jerk that needed to be avoided at all costs.
The more I read, the more mixed my feelings became. The information presented told me three things, one that I liked, one that I disliked, and one that I'm not sure about.
First, it told me that I'm not alone in my experiences. There are people who have grown up the same way I've grown up, and see life the same way I see life. These are the people who laugh at the statement "A narcissist just 'knows' that everything is going to end badly, and for no reason," because they find themselves thinking that all the time. As a dependent person, it was very nice to discover I'm not alone.
Second, I'm not as unique as I thought. I almost took pride in the fact that nobody understood me at all. I had so many secrets that nobody could ever guess until I came across that site. It laid out all the information on my insecurity, my agressiveness, my anxiety, all the things that nobody should know about me. Immediately, I began to wonder who can see through me so easily, and how I ever expected my false self to hold up. This was quelled for a while by the third thing that entered my mind, however.
Third, I believe I'm a narcissist. I don't know why it took so long to make the connection between "hey, this is me spelled out on paper" and "I probably have this condition." I guess I just didn't want to label myself.
But when almost everything described is basically me, and I'm reading everything that says I'm a terrible person and the people I care about should abandon me as soon as possible, what should I do? My girlfriend agrees with the assumption after doing some of her own reading, but she doesn't think I have a serious case of it. I show about 5 of the 8 common traits, which is just enough to put me over the edge into the narcissistic community. She doesn't plan on leaving, and I really don't want her to, but I'm afraid that I don't want her to not because it's best for both of us, but because it's best for me.
I guess it all comes down to the question of how much I can improve upon my situation.
(Sorry, I know that was a long one, but I've got nowhere else to say these things.)