I too, have been attempting something.
I went and asked everyone I know for an animal. After I got all their animals, I drew pictures of them with a computer program I have (it's called opencanvas, it's almost like photoshop, but for designed for creation instead of just changing). Each animal is drawn in a different style with one similar concept. I don't ever erase. Every mistake I make is left in to be appreciated. A lot of it is absolutely awful, but that's ok. Other times, it's amazing how well it turns out, and I can be incredibly proud of myself.
I find it helps to keep me from being too hard on myself.
On top of this, I come up with a title for each drawing, directed to a random person.
For example, this drawing (which I really enjoy) is titled "Tell Your Regret Sloth To Stop Staring At Me, I Never Said No"

and was drawn for my friend Jenna Young, but titled for my friend Ashley Withers.
In contrast, here's one that's not so great, but I still accept as my own work. It's called "Your Faith Bear Is Alarmingly Large, But Could It Walk A Tightrope?"

and was drawn for my friend Henry Horton, but titled for my friend Jillian Parrish.
So far, I've got about 17 of these, and I'm set to draw at least 10 more. If anybody wants me to draw an animal, go ahead and contact me, and I'll tell you if it's still available.
And don't be too harsh on my bear, regardless of whether it looks like it's vomiting strawberry jam or not.