Congratulations on the reprieve, October, and long may it last.
Isn't your brother the 'fair-haired Hoo' in the family? So of course (a) he'd marry a flaming N and (b) N and N-bling part of family is going to be jealous of anyone he marries, N or not... that horrid woman, competing with your mother for the sick victim prize and WINNING IT!
You're right. We are learning a lot, and laughing a lot in the safety of our own home. What a blessing having your own home is!!
As for winning against my mum, I am not sure SIL can ever do that. She may have won a battle or two, but I doubt if she has the depth of malice needed to
really win. And I know my mum has.

SIL certainly scores very well on the selfishness scale, and on 'treat everyone around you as a servant'. But I suspect these are not as subtle as my mum's approach, which is more, 'make everyone feel guilty for breathing, and spend a lifetime trying to make you happy'.

I realised some years ago that my mum is happiest when she has something to be unhappy about, so when she is unhappy I listen, and then leave her to it. I never bother trying to rescue her, because she doesn't actually want to be rescued. Just as SIL did not want to get better; she wanted to be ill.
SIL even refused to drink tap water here, because she didn't like the taste, and insisted on bottled water. Not realising that in the UK, tap water is actually
safer than bottled water to drink, because the bacterial content is lower. Might not taste 'natural', but sometimes that is a good thing!!
Incidentally, my mum has used this same game a few times herself, so I really should not be surprised. She often falls dreadfully ill, usually with a stomach complaint, when visiting a strange house, and has to be driven straight home after first cup of tea. Double N score, because casts shadow on hygiene of said home, while playing sensitive flower as well. Can't be bad!!!