Author Topic: Odd N behavior  (Read 1234 times)

Sallying Forth

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Odd N behavior
« on: September 30, 2005, 06:06:15 AM »
I remember when my Nbrother as a teen wanted to try drugs. My Nmother told him that if he did she would too. So she did.  :shock:  I vividly remember her sitting back in her chair in the living room smoking pot.  :shock: :lol:  I reacted with both shock and laughter at the absurdity of her action. My Nbrother sat across from her in my Nfather's chair puffing on his weed.

This doesn't fit for someone with OCPD so it must be a N behavior???

I never did experiment with drugs as a teen. Only one time as an adult did I try it and hated the effects on my body. I didn't even drink alcohol.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2005, 06:10:00 AM by Sallying Forth »
The truth is in me.[/color]

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Re: Odd N behavior
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 06:47:14 PM »
I remember when my Nbrother as a teen wanted to try drugs.


When I was about 16 my mother called me into my brothers' bedroom.  On the bedside table next to OBs bed (he would have been 17 or 18) she had found a small white paper bag, screwed up at the top, with a yellow powder inside.  She showed it to me, and said in a little girl kind of voice, 'What is it?'

I opened the bag, licked my finger, stuck it in and tasted what was inside.  I said 'Its sherbert.  What did you thnk it was?'

'Eeeeeh, I thought it was drugs!' she said.  At which point I laughed at her, and said she should know OB better than that; he would never take drugs.

Which told me that my Nmum loved a bit of drama, and was actually rather hoping to have found one.  But she was cursed with 3 children, none of whom have taken drugs, or drunk to excess, or smoked.  What a disappointment we have been to her!

I wonder if she would have tried it if it had been something rather more illicit ...

miss piggy

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Re: Odd N behavior
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 07:02:08 PM »
Wow, this struck a chord with me...

When I was in my twenties I started to realize and wonder why we kids were such a disappointment to my father.  I mean, we were all highly educated, gainfully employed, responsible.  We didn't do drugs, hang out with sordid characters, or abuse them.  Why the H was he so disappointed and angry all the time?  I just could never figure it out.  Twenty some years later, I'm just beginning to... :?

SF, I don't know if your mom's "partying" is any particular PD symptom other than whatever is contributing to the total enmeshment with your brother...