Thanks guys, it was really nice for me nice to home home to all these supportiver responses and just a quick note to say I really feel so not alone these days ! I think that I will go to another dentist-- I noticed that I have cavities and last week I went in and she did not do any work---said that nothing was wrong!!! I admit to being really scared--whatev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that I will call and say that I have noticed cavities and see how the dentist reacts, and then go on from there I guess. I guess I am a little nervous becuase I have gum problems, and have spent months waiting for my insurance to go through to get them worked on , and if a switch dentists now, I will miss the appnt. in a few days. That would be icky. But I am going to trust my gut and look for a new dentist for after I have my gum surgery. Whatev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to stop hanging out with ns who ned all the attention so I can focus on my own teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ick!!!!!!!
"""Bloopsy, I've seen you grow right here on this board. I think you've come a long way in just a few weeks, from posting a petition for Ns and thinking you were an N, to chucking an abusive therapist and accepting that abuse was done to YOU, not the other way round, to expressing an understanding all the issues you have to work on. You ARE finding your own way and your own voice, slowly but surely. As they say, let the process work at its own pace.""""""" Thanks Marta! I feel so complimented and glad of that!