I agree with everyone else-- and add the additional weird wrinkle that not so healthy people can end up being good therapists. I have known several cases this this. I have no idea how they do it-- somehow they muster up all of their healthiness for the role, I guess, or they are able to playact what a good therapist is, or they are able to be a therapist without their own unconscious entering into things. It sounds impossible, but I am not sure it is. Maybe it has to do with projection of their best self, or something.
Anyway, this is definitely a boundary issue-- he's a therapist, someone decided he is allowed to be, and without any evidence that he is right now being horrible to someone, it just has to be. Let's cross our fingers he'll be ok. But you don't have juristiction over it, it's just something that is, if that makes sense?
Let's cross our fingers he is not one more awful therapist in the world...