after I told my mother i could tell she tried really hard to seem outraged and whatever but she couldn't and that was hard for me I guess things have just always been too much for her
Bloopsy, a good mother would care if her daughter told her something like this. She would set aside her issues, whatever they were, and tend to her loved one. The fact that instead you are worried about giving her support in her relationship with her boyfriend, shows that this is anot a relationship where your needs are seen or given any importance. You are not supposed to be taking care of her all the time. That was her role and she put you in that role instead. This was wrong. And it continues. She is not going to stop. She is not going to look after you. She is going to bleed you dry. You will have to get away from her and she will survive just fine without you. She can even get little kids to meet her needs - she is not going to go wanting.
I think in reality she is and abused woman and probably has to be in quite a big lot of denial herself/ because he wwould alwayx say really mnean things to her and I would be like mommy doesn't that hurt your feelings and she would be like :" oh no I have such a thick skin" well she has needed it..
Your mother is a grown woman. You did not give birth to her or raise her - she was an adult when you met her. She should be able to take care of herself, and she should have been able to take care of children (you). She did not. She can get out of that relationship, yes you have a million reasons why she can't but she actually can. She is choosing to stay there. But can go.
I have been not so nice to her what with my therapist telling me that she wanted me dead and maybe she did but at the same time i hate it when i am anything but nice to my mom even though she has hurt me she is a wonderful person
Maybe it would help to make a list of all her wonderful traits, and things she has done, and all the awful ones. I have a hard time seeing how wonderful she is. Did she tell you that she was wonderful?
I wish that my therapist had jsut shut her big fat flaming n mouth and shut her face and just left me well enough alone because I know my mom couldn't handle me and that is that but at least she was not maliciously cruel and sadistic like my therapist
'Well enough' seemed to have some problems, I think. When you look back, do you see that you were happy? Or that you were sweeping things under the rug?
Your mother might not have slid bamboo up your fingernails, but she made you into a person designed only to meet her own needs, and not your own. That is abuse.
I hope I am not being too blunt, Bloopsy. You just seem like such a nice, warm, caring person who has not received the love she deserves. You have not been taught to take your own needs into account. You have been molded into someone who cannot even mouth her own basic feelings without feeling guilty and immediately punishing yourself for not being giving enough to your mother. She has had your whole life so far. Isn't that enough? It just makes me so angry!