Author Topic: doctor doom  (Read 3985 times)


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doctor doom
« on: October 11, 2005, 05:05:50 PM »
I just called the police to come to my house and I will make a report because yesterday i was molested by my chiropractor, and am sort of greatful that my body woke up and I could feel what he was doing. i am not all for jail for anyone but at the same time i needed to do this for myself mostly to say that I am not just a piece of trash to be used and abused who is too nice (yeah right) to tell anyone and too dumb(yeah right) to know or care. I feel very wierd and depressed and kind of sick and hopeless and angry and feel very icky and horrible . I have a cold feeling inside of me but I know that it happened and the way that I handled it was to go to my home group of AA and tell what had happened because I know that I will go into denial and I wanted to feel safe that other people knew. I am worried and confused because I go tthat same feeling that I got when I shut down at thirteen of losing my identity.


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2005, 07:26:45 PM »
Bloopsy- Oh my God!!! How horrific! I'm glad you made 2 good decisions- no, 3. You are filing a police report and hopefully you can press charges, you had the courage to go to your AA grp. and share this, where you felt safe, and you have shared your pain here. Do you have anyone in your life who you can trust and feel safe with to talk to  about this? Is there a rape hotline or crisis line where you live? One good thing with those is you remain anonymous and can express your pain and anger and get support. You did nothing to deserve this. That Dr. is sick and a predator. He can be reported to the college of physicians and surgeons- or whatever the licensing body for docs is in your area. Your family doctor may be able to help you with this. I too was raped by my dentist 2 yrs ago. I don't think you can go through trauma like your experience without getting some level of post traumatic stress disorder. Esp. if you come from a background of abuse or have been molested/raped in past. Please take care of yourself. I don't know how you feel about therapy/counselling- or is it's available/affordable where you live, but it may be good to pursue some short term therapy to deal with this. Please keep posting and my prayers and thoughts are with you. Hugs Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2005, 11:15:19 PM »
I am worried and confused because I go tthat same feeling that I got when I shut down at thirteen of losing my identity.

That's not going to happen, Bloopsy. You will be ok. You are not in that place anymore.  Your uncomfortable feelings are totally normal under the circumstances, you know that, right?
Please don't be scared anymore.  You are powerful. It's ok to express that.


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 02:48:02 AM »
THank you (moira))and (mum))))))for validating how I feel and for encouraging me to get help and be strong. I am so sorry (Moira))) for what happened to you with your dentist. I admit to feeling very wierd because I jsut stopped seeing my abusive therapist and now come to realize that this chiropractor was also abusing me as well. It is a lot for me to handle. From reading this board and then asking my therapist strategic questions I have come to realiize that she is a flaming n. Dr Seigel was one of the only people that I thought was sort of kind and reliable. I have one friend in Wyoming that I can talk to about this, the other friends that I have abandoned me or I can tell that they would not be comfortable to talk about a ny feelings or anything at all. That is why I feel so horrible and awful especially because after I told my mother i could tell she tried really hard to seem outraged and whatever but she couldn't and that was hard for me I guess things have just always been too much for her and to tell you the truth her boyfriend is very scorning to her which in my opinion is abuse so in my opinion and I think in reality she is and abused woman and probably has to be in quite a big lot of denial herself/ because he wwould alwayx say really mnean things to her and I would be like mommy doesn't that hurt your feelings and she would be like :" oh no I have such a thick skin" well she has needed it.. I feel bad for her because her best friend is paralysed now in a wheelchair and I have been not so nice to her what with my therapist telling me that she wanted me dead and maybe she did but at the same time i hate it when i am anything but nice to my mom even though she has hurt me she is a wonderful person and hurt herself and i think that my therapist was really wrong to tell me that I knew how my mom felt now whaen one time I felt like i wanted to kill my inner children, i think maybe my mom did get to that point but at the same time I wish that my therapist had jsut shut her big fat flaming n mouth and shut her face and just left me well enough alone because I know my mom couldn't handle me and that is that but at least she was not maliciously cruel and sadistic like my therapist who left me open to abuse the whole time because she would talk to my inner children and then have me leave the session sometims in the state of a three year old, and no wonder I couldn't tell my chiropractor was abusing me my little Bee has had to be abused all the time in her childhood so she had to shut down and that therapist should not have talked to her in a session and then let us leave, saying " BYE BEE".Thank you for listenign this is tirae against professionals day. Love, Bloopsy Rose.thing early on I told her that I didn't think i should go to him  manymorebecause he would hurt me and she said that athat was my inner parent voices not wanting me to get help. whatev. .


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 02:58:37 AM »
(((((Bloopsy))))) uggh, you poor thing. You just need a break, huh?  Sometimes we have to make our own breaks, though...sounds like you are.  I saw the word "whatever" creep in and sometimes, well, it just sums things up after a while.  Trying to explain things, trying to process a bunch of garbage someone once sold you (like your nutball therapist) just have to say "whatever" and move along.  I would like to hit your ex therapist for allowing you to leave the sessions in a regressed state.
And I am a pacifist!  Yet I could feel ok about taking a swing her way!!! JEEEEEZ LOUISE!
Bloopsy, you are still doing so well. The thing about healing, I have found, is that the painful stuff doesn't just stop happening or anything (I wish) but we are able to process it so much better.
Now if I could just remember that when I am raving mad at my teenagers......(boy do they ever bring up the painful stuff!!!)


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 11:43:02 AM »
Thanks mum!!!!! It is nice to think to myself "mum wants to hit  her!!!!!!!!!!!" I am a pacifist too but still sometimes want to punch people. I really agree about that just because you are healing doesn't mean that the abuse will necessarily stop!!! It is just more visible. I know you have been through a lot too and i hope you are doing good---- it's true sometimes you just have to say a big whatever huh I guess!!Not to say it doesn't matter but to just say oh my this is just too much these people are too much and whatev to that.  :shock:


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2005, 12:15:42 PM »
i was wondering if any of you guys felt like your mom didn't care about you? i am afraid that my therapist tried to turn me agianst my mom by telling me that what was wrong with me was that i felt like i had to die for my mom, which has made me( well not made me, but I felt very scared that if she "took me over" or if I tried to forgive her, that i would be hurt, like my therapist told me. I know that it is still my responsibility but I was driven really nuts by going to my therapist and being told that my mom ahd wanted me dead and that ther was this inner deal between me and my mom where she wanted me dead and I took that in a nd wanted myself dead and then i would go haome and see my mom and freak out. I am tryign not to blame myself because an punish myself. i think that she is a good mom it is just that i am a very difficult daughter, well she has had a difficult time with me. I feel really bad for my mom and I have not treated her nice and I am not right for being mean to my mom. Maybe one day we can have a better relationship but right now i think that it is best for both of us to just keep our distance maybe what wed call in Alanon loving detatchment or something i do not know.  I told my mom that she was acting like she did not care about me and she started to cry. i feel so bad about that and will never say it again . . I don't know what my problem is i guess I am always reading these things about confronting your parents or whatever and that that is supposed to be a good thing but it has ruined my relationship with my mom just like my therapist wanted, I can tell that she does not trust me anymore and who could blame her not me. I am glad that she does not trust me anyore because I was not nice to her and she should not have to trust people who were not nice to her. I will just have to take myself and make sure not to do any more wierd confrontations about whatever my stupid therapist told me went on with my mom or even something that really happened thta is not fair to my mom .


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2005, 02:13:57 PM »
Just a word of encouragement.  My chiropractor did not physically assault me in anyway, but he did go after me asking for painkillers.  It took awhile, but eventually I did contact the chiropractic board complaint line.  My concern was that I had given him some of my painkillers, and I could have charges pressed against me for handing them out.  The Chiropractic Board will work with.  They contacted our District Attorney, who stated I would not be charged.

Eventually, this chiropractor was found to have a problem.  He had to go to in-patient treatment for 6 months - and then was put on a 5 year probation.  Has to be tested for drugs quite often - and have meetings with an appointed mentor.

While I felt bad about doing it - and was made that i was taken advantage of, I do have a sense of pride in turning him in.  I also hope that further on down the line in his life, he will realize that by turning him in - and by him having this crisis, that it was a wake-up call for his own life.  Something needed to change.

I am now going to a different chiropractor who is clearly aware of the situation I came from.

Now I say to you:  Good for you!  Have pride in yourself - and make that doctor step up to his own consequences.


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2005, 02:48:27 PM »
Hi Bloopsy! Glad you're still here and really getting alot of your issues and struggles out ! Healthy sign. My N mother alternated between saccharine intrusive involvement( lived vicariously through her children as she had no life) and abuse. Both verbal and physical- although she was a petite woman, not very strong, and as of age 12 I made it clear to her that I was stronger and not going to stand for it anymore. She used to tell me I was stupid, handicapped, would never be able to finish school( high school), get a job or have any kind of a life. She said I would have to live at home the rest of my life with my parents and some kind of trust fund would have to be set up when they died. I'm left handed and dyslexic, but was a straight A student all through high school, graduated with scholar status, graduated both university and several college courses- incl my nursing. Obviously the rest of her twisted prophesies never came to pass!! She would tell me she wished I'd never been born. I was born 16 yrs after my older sis- who grew up as only child. She " fell down " stairs when pregnant with me( likely abortion attempt combined with alcohol and drugs). Was non compliant with bedrest as she was hemorrhaging periodically. Drank and induged her addiction to narcotics through pregnancy. Refused to breastfeed and I any my sibs were essentially raised by series of house keepers. I've always been a survivor and resilient in many ways and when someone tells me I can't do something, makes me show them they're delusional! That said this has certainly damaged my self esteem in areas I continue to work on. But I have to thank her for her death this Feb, was an epiphany for me that I was more like her than I ever thought. I too have bipolar, OCD, alcohol and drug addiction( her choice of drugs even) and isolate. I also realized at that time that I was living with a twin of my N mother in guise of my exN. So, thanks to my N mother I've made some excellent choices- am finally getting a grip on my health, in recovery for alcohol and drugs- successful, left toxic workplace, kicked ex N out!!! Also you say you've been mean to your mum there is nothing wrong with confronting bad behaviour and addressing your feelings and boundaries. That is healthy conflict resolution. As for your mother's reaction to your feedback, you are in no way responsible for her reactions. Nothing to do with you- her stuff. Hang in!  Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2005, 04:41:13 PM »
Hi cat! I'm sorry your chiropractor used you for drugs---- that is horrible., Good for you for turning him in and for taking care of yourself and thatnk you for your encouragement especially about feeling bad for turning him in -I am so outraged right now that I don't feel so guilty -- wait yes I do!!! Oh no!I t is good to have that perspective that he needs to be stopped even for his own sake... Moira, oh no, I;'m so sorry you had to deal with such a mom. I am very proud of you for coming so far. I know how hard OCD and those things can be--- horrible--- especially when there is no one you can really tell. When i had ocd  pretty bad, I don' think have it anymore thank god but to tell you the truth there are just many things that I just don't do anymore, I had to do all this knocking on wood and all these patterns and touch certain things like the ground or the basement floor--- very humiliating! I felt very scared--- everyone sort of treated it like  a joke but I didn't know what to do. Whenever anyone would say anything twice I would have to find some way to make them say it again, everything had to be done in 3's, and i felt like i HAD to keep these big bags of garbadge in my room. It was really scary and horrible and made it really hard for me to do anything. How is your OCD now? Is there any drug or therapy that you are taking for it? i hope that it is better.  I am going to try to get myself to eat now by going to the store for a hamburger. That will help it is hard to eat at the time. I am happy becaue my friend from Austin is coming into the city tonight--- that will be nice I haven't seen her for 6 years!!!!!!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 04:43:13 PM by Bloopsy »


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2005, 05:02:21 PM »
Hi Bloopsy! Thanks for your understanding and empathy! Always good when I hear from someone who also has struggled with a major mental illness. Excellent that your OCD sounds under control. Do you still have any of those behaviours? Does health, lack of sleep, stress exacerbate it? I'd be interested in knowing what, if any, psych meds worked for you? I see a great shrink and have for almost 20 yrs. and am looking at adding med for OCD. My NA sponsor, who is also bipolar, OCD, used the same drugs as I did( has been clean 10 yrs and her psych illnesses have become manageable and no hospitalizations)- told me that withdrawal from heavy pot use( has to leach out of your organs and fat) usually increases OCD, causes hypoglycemia( hence my difficulty gaining weight- am 10 lbs too light)- and obviously causes alot of fog in the noggin! Am now starting to notice I have clear thinking and interestingly enough- lots of memories and info I thought was permanently lost is coming back! As for my N mother, healthy for me to realize she was a huge part of my epiphanies, and being able to acknowledge the good parts of her personality) actually were many- very bright, geat sense of humour, encouraged education, reading the arts etc). Great to let go of most of my anger towards her. Only making me sick in every way and keeping me stuck in toxicity. Thanks! Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira

Sallying Forth

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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2005, 09:17:36 PM »
Sorry Bloopsy for this sicko chiropractor who molested you. Icky!

You have a voice now. You are using it to speak out. You are using it to protect yourself from further harm. You wont slide back into that voicelessness from the past.

The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2005, 09:54:16 PM »
thanks (Sallying Forth)))) !!!!! It's true I do have a voice now and I am sure using it to rant and rave. whatev !!!! (((marta) it is so nice to meet someone else with ocd. I'm glad that your ocd is better now that's great. I sure remember the days of constant struggle with that, now it is better but from talking to you it makes me realize that it is still an issue for me--- I just have  not been doing the things that I want to do because I get a little ocd and stressed out. It was kind of hard to train myself out of some of the habits,and now things seem to be better. But I feel at the same time that it is such a big part of my past and just took up so much time all the time, to always have to be so much into tryign to make sure so one saw me have to bend down and touch the sidewalk or pick up a certain piece of garbade!!!!!!! That's so good to here that you are embracing some of the parts of her personality--- that is so nice that you are able to get something good from her. yay. thanks for your caring and empathy too!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2005, 01:44:16 AM by Bloopsy »


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2005, 01:45:30 AM »
(oh no Moira I jsut reread that and realized I called you marta!! I'm sorry(( (moira)))))))  :shock:


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Re: doctor doom
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2005, 04:36:34 AM »

This is simply horrible! I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I am glad that you filed a police report. I am so sorry that you are somehow encoutering so many abusive professionals, fir this T and then now this. Sometimes it feels that whenver trouble comes, it comes in waves. Just ride it out. Yes, you are indeed finding your voice!  Don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Hugs, Marta