Hey Marta-- I'm sorry you are dealing with that---- I know how hard it is when someone elses words are poisoning your reality and life and it sucks. My mom is sort of the opposite--- she tells stories about how great my dad was, well she romatisizes him when all I knew of him was a shivering cruel tounged drunk, even though he did make a few attempts to protect me, and I was greatful for that, and he was my dad and whatever and I love him and I did always think that he really loved me too and I did get a glimpse of something else in him the thing that was being destroyed by his alchoholism. My mom sort of does the opposite--- she goes on and on about all these things about my dad that i never got the chance to see, and that makes me fele really bad because I'm like feeling even more cheated, and also it makes me feel scared because the total lack of connection to anything that was real for me makes me doubt my sanity. Also, it makes me be a scarily bad judge of character, and got into the habit of writing off someone esles behavior thinking that oh, well really they are this great person they just are not nice to me, or whatever, and I probably deserve it, blah blah blah. Needless to say I have been intimately involved with two murderers in my adult life!! Also cruel people where I just "don't notice" the mean way they are and then get all hurt and numb over it for instance my therapist ick. For me that is the effects of that. ,
What is going on with you with that??Is she trying to take all the love or something by downing your dad??? That sounds really hard, ick, I hate when people try to mess with other peoples reality for their own benefit, ick.