I'm new to the Message board and have been reading the posts with great interest but am still a bit confused about my on/off BF and sometimes absolutely convinced he is textbook classic N and at other times wonder if I'm not the needy,controlling insecure person he says I am/was ( when he's not encourgaing me about what a shining beautiful star I am ) go figure. One thing for sure... I have become more confused and fragmented by his intense come here go away behaviours than in any other relationship and yet find myself almost helpless in terms of amnesia. That is... I forget how he has lured me back and told me how my his heart is open to me and how he hopes we can try again only to have him blow up over some old seemingly forgotten thing a few hours/days/ after our loving reunion. Trouble is... I still lvoe him or fall for it because I so want to love the good parts of him.
To get to the point though. Our relationship was earmarked by periods of calm (or so I thought) when all seemed to be going well and then.... he would find something and start to blow it into a long list of grudges and grievances few of which he made me aware of at the time( " you do 40 things a day that just disgust me/ I would never do things the way you do") etc etc and I meanwhile would stand there deer -in-the headlights not believeing that this seemingly loving, enlightened new agey mild mannered dude was turning into a vicious petty queen! If I tried to question or defend myself he would start to shout and then scream, point his finger and shake and usually by this time I was very alarmed and gobsmacked into silence. He'd usually end the tantrum ripping off his shirt and foaming at the mouth as I tried to maintain politically correct non- inflammatory language. God forbid I should ever use "you" statements or blaming language even as he lambasted me. Anyway.... I did get to the point where I was able to speak up a little (never having been able to raise my voice or even argue back to my N-ist Dad who would even try to control the tone of voice I used with him).
Yes... I was finally able to scream back and say " SHut the Fuck Up!". Not sure if this is an accomplishment. However, more recently when he has started to go off I will say... please lower your voice/ please lower your intensity/ please drive slower/ please go away. And he will. Maybe underneath it all he is a big wimp and wants to be dominated. Not sure. Would an N do that ?
however, he does talk about himself incessantly and I almost believe that he really does love himself profoundly rather than as a compensation. He believes nothing but good comes to him ( Gee thats the kind of denial I'd like to have), has tons of admirers despite being judgmental and gossipy( he likes to think he's just truthful and unafarid and has no respect for "privacy" and boundaries thinking that there should be no need if one is living an open life). He ego is constantly being fed because he is a gifted teacher and he always tells me about all the women who come on to him despite the fact he's balding and almost 50 ( I've had to be around him while women express interest in my face although I think he puts out a vibe or needs to draw the attention to himself by various means. He's always going on about freedom, and sexuality which bugs the *** out of me since we both know it encourages lonely women who are looking to connect. and so I give up and head out the door because he knows that I don't want to be in a polyamorous relationship and then he'll miss me and the hooks goes out and we start again. He does have some very beautiful qualities... Yet, he never seems to pay for the devastation he causes others... not to be a total victim I know I am responsible for my part, but its as if the universe keeps rewarding him.. or in his narcissim he is able to spin away the not so good stuff. I dont believe he is lying awake at night suffering... indeed he's always telling me about the incredible visions he has which makes me feel even more less-than. He always used to refer to the "gap" between us or his last girlfirends or how noonw is capable of understanding who he is.... or don't try to figure him out because people juts can't go where he goes. Or here's another regular
line of his; 99% of people lie cheat and manipulate and women are needy manipulating creatures ( apart from me that is.. he does admit , needy as I am, that I am not a manipulator) He says so many things that make me gag and yet I still believe in much of what he's saying , it's juts is arrogance and mock 'modesty' ( " Maybe I'm just a nut"_). He often refers to himself in the third person, " Just stick with Robby because he knows what's going on...." and he has told me at times to juts shut up and do what he says, in other words to trust him implicitly because I don't know what the fuck is going on. AT times I would say this is true bgut at others it is so risible and offensive; even if I don['t know what's going on his attitude is so offensive.
When I think about how he has treated me at times I'm staggered at how he deflects rationalises and spins the event... like the hour I spent helping him put up a tent and then he flamed out because I didn't read the instructions the way he wnated me to.. and then I cut my foot and he screamed because I wouldn't rinse the woulnd the way he thought even though by then I was crying... he SELDOM apologises and when he does it doesnt seem very deep. The joke is that when we got together and I was much more assured and looked at him askance when he pulled some of his behaviours... he asked that I call him on his stuff since noone seemed to be at his level so to speak. But when I dared to do it... he would look at me in a very odd way and start to explain and defend instead of juts hear it. And then after going on and on I'd say Ok, time to drop it. But he couldn't He would come back an hour or two later and go on and on and on justifying why he did what he did... totally unable to take criticism.
So... remembering some of this stuff helps me keep things in perspective but I'm afraid I'm still liable to his charms. I do wonder if it is all a game to me and if he loves me at all.. if a narcissist can love. Once after a fight when I was literally weeping in a pile on the ground he drove off shouting "Noone has ever loved you ! ( he knows my parents and judges them mercilessly) I'm the only one who ever loved you and I was there for you 200% but you blew it ! Charming stuff I know.. but then when I've been sick or having a panick attack he's rushed in and stroked my head and heald me all night long... He loves being the caretaker but then is very resentful with people but not when I have been ill.
Perhaps my ego is just as fragile as all those other lonely empty manipulating women he has such contempt for.... because when he tells me I'm still the most beautiful woman etc, etc , i fall for it. One thing though that has always been odd... he is somewhat passive sexually and it's usually on his terms ( which becomes very frustrating) and in the early stages of our connection when we were playing around he once accused me of raping him ( seriously ) because I came towards him ... which provokes his other routine complaint " People just don't get how sensitive I am". But when he rest together we have had the most incredible I'd say divine healing . For me it is like receiving the peace and nurturing I never remember getting as a child. If it happens without being prefaced by a row ( which he almost always initiates since I've learned to be on eggshells around him) it is the most peaceful place I have ever been in this life. What is so agonising is that the greatest bliss I have ever felt and the deepest hell are both connected to the same man.
Meanwhile I have done a ton of investigation into my part in this relationship and almost everyone tells me to run for the hills but it is so hard .Despite all the crap I light up when I hear his voice... when he's not raging of course.....
I have often pulled him up on using such general global complaints... wouldya stop talking about "people" this and "people" that for crissakes.... but to no avail....
Anyway....just wondering. Some truly horrific stuff and incredibly painful stuff has happened as a result of his screaming attacks... which maybe I will write about later but suffice to say I left him ( he never had been left before) and he was devastated for the first time in his life..... When we saw each other again after two months he asked me to marry him (!) which I was a little surprised and suspicious about. I was very leery of opening up to him again and was incredibly angry about how he had treated me. But because I was very vulnerable at the time I left my guard down and almost as soon as I did ( plus express my outrage about his behaviour) he turned again and blasted me ! Very confusing since he had at one point before I left told me that he could see how fragile I was and that he wouldn't shout at me.... and yet the very next day he went off again.
I'm rambling sorry....