Good Morning
There is something to be said for being annonymous. Yesterday I told you all (a bunch of strangers) about my Mum, my bio dad and about some of my childhood. Something I'd never told anyone. My bio dad is quite clearly not all there, however my Mum is a completely different kettle of fish.
I can pin point the day it started. I was 7/8 and it was after my half brother was born. We had these double doors that separated our lounge and our kitchen. She slapped me hard across the face because I slammed these doors shut. Food and what I wore was her major control, however the older I got, the worse she got. I remember being so afraid of her, I don't think I will ever forget the fear and it's one thing I can really relate to why people stay in abusive relationships. We lived in a village and at secondary school, my friends lived in the next village to ours, about 3 miles away. I wasn't allowed to see my friends in the evening as they wouldn't take me over, or let friends come over to ours, and I wasn't allowed to catch the bus.
I had to get up at 6 every morning, we all ate breakfast together (Cornflakes every single day!, if I didn't finish my food by the time they had finished my face was pushed in my breakfast), then cleaned up and off to do my paper round, back to get ready for school (I used to be really glad we had a school uniform and hated non school uniform day). I used to like school as I saw my friends and I was away from her. Packed lunch every day, cheese and tomato sauce sandwiches/cheese and onion sandwiches/ham and onion sandwiches. Always the same. I used to bin my sandwiches because I was so so sick of them. I loved lunch time though because me and my friend sometimes went into the village, or we went to feed the horses, then it was hometime and I used to wander home slowly. Get changed into a minature version of Mum, then tea time, Monday was left overs from Sunday dinner, tuesday chops, can't remember wed, thurs fish and chips. Eat at set times and huge platefuls of food, wasn't allowed to leave any. Then dry up and in my room to do homework as Mum didn't want to see her ugly bitch of a child and if I resisted, well, grabbed by my hair and pulled was the way to go. Soon make me move. My stepdad used to try and stick up for me and when that didn't work, tell me not to resist Mum. Mum used to call me the rebel child, ugly, hateful.
I had two jobs at 13/14, paper round in the morning and a Saturday job at our local hairdressers. I remember the hairdresser saying, if Mum thought I was a rebel child, she didn't know what she'd make of her own. She also gave me a piece of advice to ensure I didn't marry the first person I met. I think she could see I may use that as escapism.
During that time my escapism was daydreaming. I did use to sit in my room and wish for my knight in shining armour to come along, though sometimes I had very dark thoughts. I used to wish that they'd go out and die in a car crash. How awful is that? I don't think I really wanted this to happen to them, it was more a case that I could be free.
When I was 17, I moved out of Mum's, into bio dad's, with him and his girlfriend. Mum, Dad and brother were stood in my room, arms folded, glaring at me saying "we're not going to make this easy for you". I tried to leave before but Mum was so upset and promised it would change.... I think I managed to get a pair of jeans then. I had a little more freedom at bio dad's in that I could chose my own clothes and I was working so at least it was closer to work. Mum wouldn't talk to me, but I ended up writing a letter to her after about 4/5 months. I can't remember much of the time at bio dad's, but I do remember having more freedom and being able to have friends over. However this totally changed when his girlfriend left him, which was totally my fault so I had to go. Plus I didn't make him a good enough tea so I didn't inflate his ego enough, I wasn't going to suck up to him enough so he had to get rid of me. Mum had said I was never going back once I left so I was out on my ear, sleeping on Mum's floor because they had filled my room up with junk. My boss at work was my saviour at this time. She knew of a flat opposite from her, so the Managing Director of the company and her vouched for me so I had somewhere to live. She was an amazing person as when I moved in, I had nothing. A little stereo, two pans which Mum gave me, a few clothes, that was it. A friend decided to buy a new TV for her room and let me have her old black and white one. I had no washing machine, but my boss that lived opposite let me use hers so I didn't have to walk a mile to the laundrette. My friends and their parents were so kind to me. I'm gutted that I've lost touch with my old boss, but two of my friends from school are still really good friends, one was my bridesmaids and the other's daughter was my flower girl. She would have been my bridesmaid except she was pregnant and didn't feel comfortable with being a bridesmaid.
I did a big thing last night and actually told my husband some of this, about the food, when we ate, what we ate etc and about the name calling. To this day I can't stand pack lunches and my husband said he can see why, when he plans what we can have for tea, I turn my nose up and want something else. He asked me why I've never told him any of it before and I said that I didn't want him to think ill of Mum, that it was in the past.
The reason I've told you all this is because here I can relate to so many things. To the post about feeling ashamed.... I've never told anyone because I was ashamed I didn't come from a normal family, to the post about if they knew what they know now, they'd have been afraid to have children. I couldn't believe reading that this morning as I said those words last night... the real reason I've always said I don't want children is that I'm afraid I'll treat them like Mum treated me.
One of my friend's says "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger", and I do believe that what you experience shapes you as a person and is the reason why you are who you are today and with who your with. My husband believes that too and said to me last night that he's so happy with what we've got.
Well done if you're still reading and I apologise for rambling on for so long and boring the pants of you all, but this was something that I needed to do for me. Actually it's made me smile as I don't think I've ever spoke about myself for so long... Eeeek, NPD????!!!!

) Thanks for listening. xx