Hey there Gross Girl!
There is some poet..I believe the name is Rilke or something....anyway there is a quote from him about learning to love "the questions themselves". It used to piss me off as i wanted answers and wanted them now. (Still do sometimes but now I know to seek out simple questions when I need answers - such as "What flavors of ice cream do you have today?"). Seriously, I have learned to love questions in the sense that I love to savor them and not rush to an answer because in part I may end up with the rushed answer I asked for. Ah, gee...come to think of it that is how I ended up married.

I didn't ask and yet it was the answer I wanted.
How many times does it take for the chicken to stop crossing the road in rush hour? That which doesn't kills us makes us stronger? Ah, well faster?
Sometimes we learn to not give in by giving in one or two or three or four times too many. Did I just hear an "ouch?". Yeah, I know.
Something far easier than what you are dealing with now but an example of learning by repeating mistakes....I quit smoking 20 years ago after being a pack a day person for 5 years in part by:
1) carfully really feeling each cigarette I smoked which I was only able to do once I had:
2) found comparison feelings (like your going to your mom in law's ?). (I hadn't known what I was missing - had smoked for years, so the contrasts were either accidental or unintentionsal at first ..then I learned to seek them out) - such as:
a) exersicing cause a cute guy liked me and he exercised. Hey, I was 16 at the time so give me a break.

I nearly lost a lung coughing when he and I took a jog around a track. Not even cute.
b) landlady wouldn't let me smoke inside so I had to smoke in a garden (an accidental contrast that proved pivotal. I hadn't had a garden around before.)
c) noticed that the landlady's family did things like take a bubble bath or bake bread or listen to music when they took "breaks" I noticed I rewarded myself with a cigarette as had my family. One day I listened to my self and I heard this weirdo say "I worked hard. I think I'll have a cigarette" and realized I might as well say "I worked hard now I'll smack myself up side the head!". (With all that was going on in my head a smack was a sort of relative relief hense the need for contrasts.

)I switched to baths and then cigarettes didn't taste as good.
Now on to reel life....Now that I understand I really like and am intrigued by your Gross Girl thing. Ok, I didn't wait...just looked at your page ..Only took the time to check out the movie reviews and we are so on the same page from what I saw (except I really liked the Hulk and a Mighty Wind was the sound of me snoring

I fell for the "It takes a horse to raise a village" Seabiquit syrup - Did I mention I was depressed?

Keeping the McGuire character with his family well
that not even a forlorned bizzilionare could do? Souplines? Well by gosh...let them eat seabiquits! ). Tu Pac, 8 mile, the Hours, Fight Club, Depp and Dustin, Adaptaion, Toni Collette, Finding Nemo..Oh cinema joy! Speaking of irresistable did you see Chocolate? Depp was dipped in it. Living out Loud, The Piano? Shrek? Migration? (especially the DVD special feature about how it was made). Few of my favs. Now I am really intrigued about your book...next week I'll revisit and take a closer look.
Keep on swimming, keep on swimming...(said with that lovely lilty comfortably absent minded voice and innocent eyes).
As a psychiatrist once said to me as we both were about to scuba dive in shark infested waters..."Sometimes denial is a good thing."
Oh and although I am now creeped out by Woody Allen's rasing his own lover aka abuse and now find his insecurity sort of an implosion a kin to "humble" narcissism (though may rent the movie based on your review - oh god does that mean I am an enabler?) - here is a joke I love from one of his early movies - A guy goes in to see a psychiatrist about his wife (pluck your mind from the gutter - we are talkin about the patients own wife here).
Psychiatrist: What is the problem you are having with your wife?
Patient: She thinks she is a chicken. She is scratching up the carpets and pecks at her food. She is crazy doc!
Psychiatrist: Have you confronted her about this?
Patient: No Doc I haven't.
Psychiatrist: Why not?
Patient: Well, see the thing is I've come to depend on the eggs.
P.S. Regarding your insightfull, humorous and creative movie reviews ..."Thanks , I so appreciate them more than you know!" Cinema therapy is my current - how to keep sane or go less crazy holiday thrival strategy. (Thrival is my word for that weird place between survival -tired of that word and all it connotes - and thriving!)