Author Topic: tears of a clown  (Read 4671 times)


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tears of a clown
« on: October 30, 2005, 09:31:10 AM »
Hey my other post about this got deleted by some glitch or something ,, so i am going to try to post again . I don't have the energy to write down everything, but at the same time i do not want to forget anything or go into deial. So anyway this guy acted like he was going to help me, told me he loved me, i told him everything, he is some "hip" NYC comedian scumbag on the prowl for material or something, he tore my heart to shreds and I am afraid that he will become violent  because he would give hints that he is a violent person, is a boxer, would tell me about how he was angry at his ex girlfriend for sleeping with some other guy in earrings that he bought her and then he would glance at me in that angry way, and would stare at my earrings, and stuff. Also he beat up some guys on the train the other day. He said that he did it becuase the guy was abusign the girl, and I think it was motivated by self hatred  because just the other night he had been teling me that his ex deserved to be hit. Anyway, he would sort of degrade me and I caught him using something that had gone on between us as material to flirt with another girl while I was sitting right there next to him and too shocked to process what was going on because only 1/2 hour before he had been telling me that he loved me and whatever, and wanted me to keep our relationship a secret because of his reputation, I only have six months and whatever. Last night he went to some party, which now I realize was for the 90 day anniversary of that other girl, but he told me to wait for him at the 11 pm meeting which he never showed up for, and then I had to go home at like 12 :30 AM alone. He told me that he was treating me icky because he was mad at himself or something, whatev. I feel very hurt and confused by this, not knowing what to think, and afraid for my safety and my sobriety , whatev. I also do not want ot be humiliated by him using things I told him as material ,, he was always saying "you are so funny" and telling me " people must be jealous of you a lot" Also one time he said some thing that made me feel like he had the desire to hurt me in some way. I just don't want to go into denial, I have a very strong pull towards him and everything, or start to bleme myself or think that i have to protect him. i yelled at him over the phone and called him a motherfucker and I feel like he may retaliate whatev. Oh no. Also he spent two years in Rikers Island. I knew all of this stuff but he was telling me he loved me and everything and that he would get my chiropractor beat up and blah blah blah I htought I finally had someone there for me to be with and care about me as he would always ask me all these qustions like he cared and wanted to know me but secretly I think that he wanted to know for his comedy or something or to get me all attatched to him or something.

I just feel really awful because I did get very attatched to him, to the point where I felt for him the way I have felt about my past addict boyfriends who have haunted me forever, also he goes to my home group of AA and that is the only place I have felt safe and protected and cared about in real life EVER EVER EVER EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have nightmares about it shutting down, it is open most of the day. Also, we did get really close as wierd as that may sound, and I do love him a lot and stuff, which makes it hard, and also feel bad because I called him a motherfucker and he had told me that he was abused as a child and i am worried it was by his mom, and that would be really icky, but it is not like I was trying to be icky like that, I call all men who I am angry at motherfuckers. Whatev.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2005, 09:45:11 AM by Bloopsy »


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 09:50:01 AM »
Bloopsy, hon,
You are out of there. You know you are.
You are heading straight for some sunny place where a support group or T will help you look calmly at this.

It is smart you, I-want-to-live you, who knows you must get away from this person.

And then have great respect for your own observations and ability to think.
Angry boxer, threatening glares, tales of violence.

Is this what you want?
Your gut told you there was trouble. You're now going to need to learn to respect your gut earlier (iow, FIRST angry glance, tale of make tracks.)

Be safe. Go nowhere near him. Get police help if you need it.
Stay out of the club life and study unglamorous gentle men, in daylight.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2005, 09:54:16 AM »
oh my god I would rather die than leave my home group all my friends are there and I have no where else to go.


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2005, 09:58:39 AM »
I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to suggest you'd have to move, or leave the home where you feel secure. No no no! And I am confused...does the boxer live there too?

I apologize Bloopsy, truly. I was projecting my fantasies of escape into your situtation without fully understanding what your situation is.

Does he live with you? If he does, can you ask for help in seeing how to calm things down?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2005, 10:00:46 AM »
((((Hopalong)) no don't worry!!!!! i am not talking about where I live, it is my home group of AA, which is open like all day to go to1!!!! Please don't feel bad!!!!


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2005, 10:04:33 AM »
By "out of there" I only meant "out of this relationship"

that's what I meant, not moving away. I'm sorry I wasn't being clear

and the sunny place was meant as a metaphor for anywhere, could be a T's office right there where you are, where things seem calmer and more clear

I hope it's better...when the panic subsides, I think you'll be able to add him up more clearly and know what to do.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2005, 10:06:35 AM »
oh whew. glad to hear that.
(our posts crossed in mid-air...)

SO glad you have that safe place to go to, thank goodness.

this is a tough one but I really have faith you will find the strength and clarity you need to be safe.

sending safety, sending calm...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2005, 10:09:47 AM »
Thank you (Hopalong)))))). I am jsut a little upset because he also goes there too but if that motherfucker drives me away from my favorite place and the only place I feel a little okay he will have won.


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2005, 10:16:59 AM »
Hmmm, somehow I don't think you'll let that happen.
Would it help if you stepped back from him emotionally, looked at him across the room as a person whom you know a lot of secrets about that make you know he is like a tiger.

Lovely to look at but you are not getting in that cage.

You were in there once and he was full of steak and calm enough not to leap. But the keeper reminded you, this tiger can do that and so you're not allowed to go back in again.

Oh, you say to yourself. I got so distracted by the big eyes and beautiful fur. But of course, the keeper's got it right. Whew, that was a lucky escape.

(Motherfuckers are powerful people. Maybe calling him that gives me more power. Maybe just in your own head you can call him Tiger and maybe that will help you remember the danger.)

And there I go with the metaphors again...


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2005, 10:22:17 AM »
I meant, "maybe calling him that gives HIM more power"...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2005, 11:38:55 AM »
I don't know I am confused. i love him and I know that inside he is sort of a shivering scared little boy. I sort of feel like of course I am angry and humiliated and sad and brokenhearted but at the same time i feel like weird sympathy for him I don't know if this is healthy or anything--- i guess not. i know that part of him did love me, whatev. But I can't tolerate that kind of treatment and part of me is scared he will hurt me but another part is like but I know that ineed ot be angry at him for the way that he treated me or else I will blame myself.


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2005, 01:05:43 PM »
Is there any place between needing to be angry at him and being forced to blame yourself?

Is there a place inside yourself you can go that's not so hot, emotional temperature wise?

Is there a different kind of love you can feel for yourself that's about stepping back and staying safe? Can you just try that out? Thinking, I'm stepping back. Doesn't make me less loving.

(And not loving him up close. You don't have to be up close to be loving...)

He doesn't sound like a person who is able to rescue or help you; is there a chance you have trouble letting go because you're wanting him to? When it's really you who is learning how to rescue yourself?


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2005, 04:45:04 PM »
so anyway, I talked to this man  today and he was very nice to me and apologized but not in that icky way where they make excuses and it is like saying you are not allowed to have your feelings and whatever. He admitted that he had treated me really really bad and was very sorry and said that I must be very hurt which I am which I appreciated, As I am getting very tired of everything having to be some lesson where oh but you are learning this or that well I need to be hurt and angry as aI am before I can learn anything fro manything through the pain. i needed that. 


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2005, 05:19:40 PM »
good on you.
you respected your own feelings and you're the best expert on that.

so glad to hear this,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2005, 10:18:42 PM »
sit down and strap in and get ready for some tough love.  If you don't want to hear it, stop reading now.

The guy sounds like a dangerous character.  Starting a relationship with him sounds a little self-destructive to me.  He has been in prison, he is violent, he talks about his episodes of violence with pride and he feels justified in them.  He is vaguely threatening to you.   He has an ongoing relationship with another woman and has catered to her at your expense.  He is using you for material.

On the plus side:  he has a sad little boy inside who inspires pity (not love) from you.  Oh wait, are we back on the downside?

Getting him out of your life may or may not mean losing your group.   Just take this one step at a time.  The guy is not running the group.  The group does not belong to him.  If anyone has to leave it, let him leave, not you.

With all that you have going on, I have a hard time seeing how you have anything left to make good choices about a relationship.  That means that you end up starting relationships with people who choose you, for their own reasons.   I know this because I've been there.  I'm there right now, trying to figure out how to get out of a bad situation that was started when I was in no condition to start a relationship.  But back to you.  I know you need support and there is none at home.  It even seems your friends are not really your friends. 

But try to only open yourself up to people who are safe.    The board is safe.  Maybe that is the only place you have for now.  It is for me.

Please take care of yourself.  This means curbing your impluses and not responding to what other people want.  It means saying no.  You have the right to say no, and you are not here on Earth to meet the needs of other people.  Every guy that goes past is not the last ship leaving the dock.  Let them pass.  Keep your feet on the solid ground.

Do this because there are people who care about you.