H&H, my dad knew many people around town, but didn't have any real friends that I know of. My parents do have a group of couples from church they are friends with. That is pretty much the only people they spend any time with and usually involves eating. My mother has some old friends from childhood in the area, but usually only sees them when her sister or someone else comes to town.
More importantly, I am struggling with the same issues in my own life right now. Occasionally, I get a flash of feeling really good, and I can be witty, funny and tell a good story. Most of the time I feel too heavy and tired to do this. Realizing that helps me feel better. I hope that one day when I don't feel heavy and tired I will just naturally have the energy to be more outgoing. I used to be an outgoing introvert, but I'm not sure what I am anymore. Like Selkie, I tell myself that I'm spending too much time alone, but at the same time, I know I NEED this time to heal, recover and just be me without having the pressure of someone else's anger and blame squeezing me into a little protective ball. I am going through a huge amount of change right now. I sure would like someone here in the flesh to just be myself with, whatever that is. At the same time I understand that it is hard for me to reach out or even know who to reach out to right now in the middle of everything changing.
I'm concerned that the stuff above may actually be the easy stuff for me. My parents did not model how to have friends or be a friend. They didn't tell stories or have much interaction, even with family. I do have a couple of friends that I can discuss deeper issues like this with and they do the same with me. But, they don't come over to my house and I don't go to theirs. I'm not sure how to get over this hump. I'm afraid that being around them or opening up my house will be overwhelming and I will feel miserable or invaded and not have a good time after all. I'm taking baby steps with some other friends who I am not as intimate with by going to their houses and having them over to mine, albeit for more structured, collaborative, task-oriented events. There is still plenty of time to socialize. I guess that's a start. I do worry about how much time and energy is taken up by healing right now. I think it is a good sign that I have gotten past so many other issues that I am putting time and thought into how I can have more friends and more social contact.
I know I can "do" friends because I used to be outgoing and funloving. My parents house used to be the center of our social group. I really want to get back to that. That actually *feels* like the real me, not where I am right at the moment. I know that I was so ashamed about allowing my wife to be abusive to me that I hadn't wanted anyone to come over to my house for a very long time. I've stopped concentrating on her. I've stopped concentrating on "us." I've been concentrating on myself, and look forward to concentrating on "me and my friends" one day soon.