Welcome. Oh, gosh, I'm not sure I have any answers here. I have a million self help books on my shelf, but nobody really comments on them, unless we are close, and then they know my background and my searching, and then they borrow the books!!
As far as who looks good/who looks bad.........well, since you know by now the N's are great at "appearing" wonderful....well, why bother? If others are "taken in" well, let them figure it out for themselves.
So you say it seems mainly useless. BINGO. Move on.
I have found that the more I talk about my exN, the more power I give him and his antics.......because I am spending time and energy THINKING ABOUT HIM or what he is or isn't doing to me/my kids.....blah blah blah.
This board is ONE exception: a place where WE GET IT! Yup, here is the place to vent. Don't bother with explaining N ness to everyone....not worth it.
When you can identify the problem (you have) and let it go....then you can move on and spend your energy on more pleasant endeavors. Like those new, happy folks you would rather spend time with.
Family is tough, boy I know that. And yes, they will use children as another tool/supply. That's the toughest of all. But the overall picture remains the same. Know who you are dealing with. Generate and trust your own boundaries for yourselves and your children. And then LET IT GO....it's NOT your job to make grown ups happy! Can't be done. Recipe for pain with an N.
Take care of yourself...love yourself enough NOT to allow the pain dumping that the N's are used to. Let them OWN their issues. In what ever small ways you can, cut the N's out of your thoughts.