Hi, MW: I feel so bad for you right now. I wish I could take your pain for you, because I know how rotten it is and I know that it will pass. But while you're in the muck....well, it just stinks. I remember thinking the bottom had fallen out of my life when my ex cheated on me that first time....that's right, I said first time, leopards do NOT change spots. I also remember thinking that it must be love if it hurts this bad.
That remains the biggest lie I ever told myself.
Love does NOT hurt like that. LOVE is NOT high drama....although with real love, the drama of life is enough, really. Life is tough as it is, no one needs their life partner to be giving them MORE pain. YOU deserve the real thing.
This guy is a coward, and bully (usually those are together) and a baby.
I hope soon you will move through the pain, probably to anger first (usually my next step), and then you will someday let it go. In the meantime, don't punish and abandon yourself by blaming yourself, or doing that most futile thing of trying to figure out what YOU could have done differently. Doesn't matter. Never did. He did not deserve your love.
((((((((((((((((MW))))))))))))))))))))))) sending you love and hugs and lots of moments where you don't even think about him.
LOVE. the real stuff, starts with YOU loving YOU.