Thanks, Mum! It's so nice to be heard! I really liked what you said about making choices. I'm trying very hard to think things through. For example, I could file contempt charges against XH for not paying his share of the medical bills and not making the car payments. But, he has a very good relationship with the children--spends a lot of time with them and they love him dearly. They know he doesn't help with homework, or take them to the doctor, or discipline them in any way, but I do that, so they are all pretty secure except for the one with mental illness.
If I take him to court, it will be more conflict, after a very difficult divorce, and he will complain bitterly to the kids. They aren't old enough or mature enough to really understand the situation. They will just see that poor dad is bankrupt and has no money. Mom has enough, yet she's taking him to court and causing him more pain. So, if I don't file contempt charges against him, it will be because I choose to evaluate the situation and decide that it's best for the children if they don't have to deal with more conflict between the two of us. Plus, even though he makes a very good salary, he doesn't have any money at all, so I don't know what taking him to court will accomplish. He lives from paycheck to paycheck, but child support is significant (but reasoanble), and he really is in a mess financially. I'm keeping track, though, and if it ever looks like he can easily pay up, I'll reconsider.
XH really blames me for the trouble he is in. In the last e-mail, there was no sense of personal responsibility, no apparent understanding of what he has done to create the situation. He's made it clear to the children that I am the villian since I divorced him. (Fortunately, they love me dearly, too, and don't take sides.) I had to laugh when he said his car wasn't that expensive. To me, a $30,000 car is very expensive when you can't afford it. But, he's just not rational, so reasoning is futile.
I also can't leave the area because of the stipulations in the divorce decree. What you said about that helped me feel less trapped as I wouldn't live here otherwise. Yes, I choose to stay here, because I choose to live with my children. When they are grown, or if XH moves out of the area, then I can choose to re-evaluate where I live.
I love this site--the interactions are so great!