I got so much indifference I could can the surplus and sell it at on eBay

Ol' Flinty, Ol' Bew,
A man who has recovered his sense of humor is a MAN IN FULL!!
(Yep, it might just be a teeny bit deflating if she doesn't turn up...but don't you worry about that.) Remember, Flinty Clinty is so PRESENT, thinking gunslinger thoughts about banditos, that he just doesn't bother about one little spider scurrying around the floor of the bar. Or no spider.
You go have FUN! Ex-GF Dead-Draw Slaughter at the Snubbin' Corral might be cancelled, postponed, happen as planned, not happen, happen in some unpredictable way...but never you mind. Ol' Flinty Clinty's just doin' his two-step, movin' on in the dance o' life.
I better stop before I choke on Westernisms, but have fun and don't worry!
Hopalong Cassidy