hello Gang!
I rang my counsellor and told her i would like to take a break. I was feeling unbelieveably guilty about it for some absurd reason and felt like I was commiting a crime or something... She was ok about it, but I could tell she was disagreeing with my decision. At one point she became silent and because we were on the phone I felt like I needed to fill the space! -as you do!
She said to me "It sounds like you are doubting your decision" to which I said "No, this is just an awkward situation, but I feel like I can take over by myself for a while and I could do with taking a break from it for financial reasons also"
I didn't want this to be an issue, as I would have liked to think I could go back if I felt like I needed to in the future. She said after that she may not have a slot for me in the future and I may have to go to someoen else if that was the case. I said that is the chance I will have to take at this point.
I know she is thinking I am running away from some issue etc, though I feel like I am not. I would have left earlier if that was the case. I just felt like we have reached a point where I don't feel like there's anything to talk about anymore.
I really needed her when I was having relationship problems. I succeeded in dumping the "N" I was with and never looked back, i am feeling good and well educated on N's and my reasons for succumbing to them. I would like to think I had support from her if I needed it if I found myself in a sticky situation with an N boyfriend again which I may well find myself in that situation again---I am just CRAP at detecting N's!
...but I am not so sure I would feel so comfortable going back to her now. I just feel like she is all or nothing, no flexibility. I need flexibility. My schedule/life is a bit hectic and I would stay with her forever if she would let me come and go as I please. I am paying her for crying out loud! Why does she need me to commit to her? It's horrible, I feel like I am letting her down by not going religiously every week.
I feel relieved.