Author Topic: please send job support  (Read 3031 times)


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please send job support
« on: November 29, 2005, 11:33:18 PM »
Oy. Found out last week that my job is on shaky ground but thought it was secure through June. found out this a.m. that I could lose it in weeks. The Snarkyboss who doesn't like me (or his mother, whom I must resemble)...had been planning to get rid of me with no warning in December, the last month before my probationary year expires. I worked my heart out and got a positive evaluation. My Alphaboss, who may have slightly more authority, says he'll try, but can't promise, to drum up a different position that suits my skills better (more writing and editing, less data crunching). But then I'd be on probation another six months, security up in the air again. AlphaBoss respects my skills, SnarkyBoss is much more intersted in putting me in my place. He's subtle, but it's finally dawned on me that he's an N... He's VERY ambitious and I see now that not only would he dump me without a thought, but he'd actually enjoy it.

I feel like a bone between the two of them and am not sure how the dogfight will turn out.
Would be very, very grateful for any positive thoughts/prayers anyone might toss in the air for me.

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Re: please send job support
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 12:18:13 AM »
Hi Hopalong,

Insecurity is a curse, obviously not one that you suffer. I am sure that the alphaboss should win out, I had a recent situation that was similar and found that no matter what happens if you stay in the alphaboss' good books something will be created to support you but you may never find out about it or know about it!
"It takes one person to change the world and you could be that one person"


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 09:29:51 AM »
hope it all works out ((((((((())))))))))))


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 10:47:00 AM »
Hey Hoppy:

Sending you good thoughts and good energy and plenty of hope for your job security.

Meantime......would it hurt to send out a few resumes?

You never know.....something even better might come out of it?

Doesn't make for a very plentiful Christmas, not knowing, though does it?  Sorry Hoppy.

I will you and your family in my prayers.



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Re: please send job support
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2005, 09:16:34 PM »
I agree with Sela.  Take matters into your own hands and drum up possibilities elsewhere.  It could possibly turn out to be a good thing, although I am sure that sounds awful right now.

In the meanwhile, I am pulling for you,  and think positive.  Sounds as though you have a good chance of landing on your feet.  (Do kangaroos land on their feet?)



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Re: please send job support
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 10:40:02 PM »
Hey Hopalong, Plucky, Sela and write,

I am going to try and suggest the next step here, why not try and find out who are the recruitment or head hunting companies in your area as well as your field of expertise and contact them. I am sure that they would be interested in you just try to explain to them in a non-judgmental and not easily manipulated way (I know this is easier said then done) that you are considering leaving because you are not sure if your contract may be renewed and would appreciate the right opportunity elsewhere. I found that some recruitment companies will just see the dollar signs and start actively looking for you to refer you on or may have stuff on their books that you would be suitable.

Good luck (not that you'll need it)
"It takes one person to change the world and you could be that one person"


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2005, 05:38:23 AM »'s a small city and I'm already with the largest employer (which gets away with exploiting workers a great deal because the city is so desirable). If you're in a high-paying profession, you'd be in great shape here. For the working, struggling class, it's a very tough place. Since I can't move away, I will look into transferring into another position with my current employer but that's iffy, nothing guaranteed--took me six years to get the job I have now. It's a terribly competitive market -- the worst I've ever known, hundreds and hundreds of applicants for every single thing -- and I'm 55 not 35, so that's kicking in. I will have to find the strength to defend the current job (byzantine creepy politics, which I loathe) while hunting for another one and not give into anxiety.  :?

thanks a lot for the encouragement
I'm going to try to take it one day at a time

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2005, 08:48:00 AM »
Since we share that "double-nickel" age, I just thought I'd mention that when I have talked to people about the possibility of going back into the workforce (I've been out of it for over 20 years except for a couple of part-time positions here and there), they see my age as a positive rather than a negative.  We are beyond that child-baring, or little kid stage, where our kids would pull us away or distract us from work.  You most likely will not get transferred to another area because of a spouse. We are mature, responsible, settled and motivated.  Unless you are in a job where age 65 is mandatory retirement, you have many more years to work if you choose to.

I am sending prayers and good luck for landing on your feet in your current situation.  I'm sure it must be very stressful, especially at this time of year and being in a location where you don't have many other options.  You are a strong, bright lady and I'm sure you will prevail.




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Re: please send job support
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2005, 12:29:38 AM »
you know what has become lucrative for me- something I started as voluntary work.

Somehow I have a clearer view of things if I'm first in a position of working to my own standards.

I've only had one job here in America and I resigned after two I don't think it's possible for me to work here unless it's for myself.

The insincere corporate b.s. about finished me off.

For one thing the pay is so low as an employee, for another, being able to insist on my conditions of work are too important ( to someone with Bipolar- no stress triggers ) but also for meeting my clients' needs.

You have loads of skills for the US marketplace, hell, ex n-h complains every day that their factory doesn't function because of so many people who cannot deliver their job description/ shortage of real abilities.

If you're in Houston ( or thinking of moving here ) contact me H.


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2005, 06:32:22 AM »

Sending my thoughts and prayers to you. Seasons
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou

miss piggy

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Re: please send job support
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2005, 11:55:50 AM »
Hi Hoppy,

I was just going to say hang in there, but I reread your post and it seems like if you have a positive evaluation and Snarkomatic fires you without cause, you have a real good lawsuit on your hands (not that that is always the answer).  Don't mention this to anyone, or they will change the "facts" before letting you go if that is the ultimate aim.  And you don't want to look disgruntled either.  Just keep it in mind for your sanity's sake.   8)

I know someone who worked for the Big Heartless Corporation who had no qualms about telling people one thing to string them along as they laid off hundreds, then six months later laid off another set, including this friend.  They had promised a certain incentive package for taking the layoff and then reneged, saying he was "terminated for cause" which was BS.  He had his positive reviews and a signed agreement about the package.  How stupid can they be?  Well, they were counting on just bulldozing people out of there.  A lawyer on another floor of this huge city bldg got lots of business suing this corporation for wrongful termination, esp. since he took cases on a contingency basis.   :D

So just remember you do have rights, if it comes to that.  But I am hoping Alphaboss comes through for you.  I am assuming Snarky reports to Alpha?  Has Alpha reassigned other Snarky roadkill?  Look around for evidence of hope.  You may also turn this into an opportunity to become an independent contractor for Alpha and build a more direct relationship with him. 

Good luck Hops! 


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2005, 03:33:37 PM »
Whew, MP. Those are fightin' words!
Actually, these are two dueling researchers in a large university (just dueling egos, they're in the same department). Alpha doesn't supervise Snarky, but he has seniority, and he signs my timesheets. But Snarky is now in charge of the work I do (it's grant-related and they arrange and rearrange the budgets whenever they like). Alpha isn't perfect but does seem to have a conscience. However, I don't trust him completely either. I've been savaged by so many corporations I thought I was safe with a public university staff job, esp. because they jointly interviewed me and assured me, no worries about it being grant funded, there's always plenty of work here! (They were pressuring me like mad, a year ago, to start immediately, because they needed me. I even got a Superior rating after a sudden audit of my procedures that came from a regulatory dept--Snarky ignored that. He ignores all positives, zeroes in on minor mistakes...I think simply because he's decided he doesn't like me or on some psychological level I remind him of his mother.) Now that Snarky's flexing his biceps, his mask has fallen off and I see the N underneath. (I think that's what's triggered a lot of my response, on some core level it is ... horror. I hadn't noticed, because I so seldom spot Ns for what they are. I forgot--I can get them out of my romantic life but they'll still appear elsewhere! And of course, Snarky is so ambitious that his N-ness is to his advantage. He thrives on his pure focus on publication, getting more money, getting more publications. Well they all do, really.) I think Alpha will prevail...but in the meantime I just have to keep a lid on, emotionally. I have anxiety disorder...

I'll be okay. In the biiiiiiiiig picture, my turmoil over this stuff won't be on my tombstone.

Thanks so very much for the pep talks. Just knowing people care enough to type them makes such a difference.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2005, 01:53:25 AM »
Hi Hopalong,

That must be unsettling to know that the job may not be there.  It  could be a blessing though.  Maybe there is a better one just waiting for you to apply.  Or passing probation may put the one boss at bay realizing that you do have your supporters.  When I start worrying too much about money or interpersonal matters, I try to put it in the context of the "big picture."   That reminds me not to waste my energy as things will ultimately work out the way they are supposed to so long as I do my part.  I just sent out two applications and resumes myself.  My job isn't in jeopardy, but I really need to be moving on.  I've been there way too long. 

You are a great writer Hopalong.   Is that what you want to do?  What is your ideal career in that field?




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Re: please send job support
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2005, 10:47:50 AM »
I've been a staff editor at a large publisher, editorial director at a publishing company, senior editor for a website, writer/editor for several other websites and startups (all of which folded, but no connection!), ghostwriter of a ghastly book on plastic surgery, freelance writer and editor of a lot of consumer health stuff. I had much more opportunity when I lived in a large city (Write, I was very moved by your offer to contact you about work--but I can't move).

I really can't move again. Both for psychological and $$ reasons. So I must make it work out in this particular town. I've done everything from carry mail to night host at a hospital boarding house (seizing patient accidentally yanked me to the floor, back injury) to codes editor at a mega-corp (where I wanted to DIEEEEE).

But thanks for the big picture too, CeeMee. That really is the only answer.
And Plucky, your description of letting go and focusing on what one CAN do makes complete sense.

Bottom line, I have to use every shred of energy I've got to try to defend the job I have now. I can't do a full-tilt job hunt at the same time, but I will certainly put out feelers. I think I must.

(Head back under pillow.) Mini breakdown last week, this is gasoline on my anxiety fires.

Thanks so much for all the suggestions and support. I should let it settle for a little while so I can think about it calmly.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: please send job support
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2005, 10:48:56 AM »
(whoops, conjured up Plucky.) That was also you, CeeMee.
Thanks!  :P
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."